
Jun 5, 2020

Desi Arnaz, Jr.

Desi Arnaz, Jr. was born on January 19th, 1953, in the middle of a whirlwind of publicity, the child of most famous couple on television, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, and also the first baby ever "born" on tv (Lucy's real life pregnancy was incorporated into the plot of I Love Lucy).  He was on the cover of the first issue of TV Guide, on April 3rd, 1953.

Growing up with that kind of publicity, and his parents' connections, he had little choice but to go into show business.  In 1965, he started a boy band with his friends Dean Paul Martin (Dean Martin's son) and Billy Hinsche.

He guest starred on The Lucy Show (1962-65), and became a regular on Here's Lucy (1968-72), as Lucy's teenage son Craig. And he landed roles in lots of movies.

Oddly for the son of a comedy legend, Desi didn't do comedies.  He specialized in tear-jerkers. Many were about the tragic consequences of boys and girls who fall in love (Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones, She Lives, Having Babies, Black Market Babies).  

Others were gay-subtext movies about the tragic consequences of boys who fall in love with boys (Billy Two Hats, Joyride, To Kill a Cop).  

In 1983, he starred in a buddy-bonding series, Automan, about a computer whiz (Desi) who creates a computerized superhero (the hunky Chuck Wagner).  Unfortunately, it was promoted as a comedy, and Desi didn't do comedy.  He thought it would be a gritty urban drama.

After 13 episodes he left, and hasn't done a lot of acting since.  He is still involved with his music, and he owns the Boulder Theater in Boulder City, Nevada.

Although he was the subject of many gay rumors during the 1970s (my friend Cesar claimed to have hooked up with him), Desi was linked to several women, including Liza Minnelli, and he was married to Amy Arnaz from 1987 to her death in 2015.

See: Cesar Tells about his Hookup with Desi Arnaz Jr.



  1. When Here's Lucy started, Desi Jr. was 15 years old and already a father. Lucy put him on the show so she could keep an eye on him and try to keep him away from women. I didn't work.

    1. I generally regard that as proof he likes women: Teen fatherhood, her husband catches him in bed, those things go above and beyond normal bearddom. Could be bi.

      I do trust Cesar Romero's accounts to be true, just because "I sucked teenage cock" was a confession to several felonies at the time.

      I mean, the other big rumor I've heard about Cesar Romero is that he helped Burt Ward fit in that Robin costume. (Holy eponymous organs, Batman!) Which actually does fit. (Ward has confessed to desiring a threesome with Adam West and Yvonne Craig. Probably where Bruce Timm got the idea for a love triangle that didn't exist in canon.)

    2. I seem to remember Cesar saying that he never actually had sex with Burt Ward, or maybe they just did it once? He seemed skittish about gay people when I met him back in the 1990s.

    3. It was just a rumor. Would be funny, given that the Joker today is in love with Barman and wants to release him from the burdens of morality. Including domesticity, represented by the Robins.

      At least two of the Robins do have a history of gay subtext with other superheroes their age. (I refuse to recognize any "just give Dick's friends to Jason" stupidity from the New 52.) And there's lesbian subtext for Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown.

  2. Love your sites, Boomer! But when you think of it, is dating Liza Minnelli really any kind of evidence of being straight??

    1. Hell, Saddam Hussein pretends Satan is Liza Manelli.

  3. Desi Jr might have inherited a lot from his Cuban father

  4. I was never even a miniscule bit impressed by Desi Arnaz. To me, his face looked goofy. I always perceived him as ugly.

  5. Who was Billy in the 1960's boys band, Dino, Desi and Billy? I found him cuter than the other two.

    1. I think his name was Billy Hinsche. He wasn't a celebrity kid.

  6. I agree with an earlier comment, Desi Arnaz was not at all good looking. The 2nd photo above reminds me of a young George Lopez, definitely not good looking. In fact, young Dean Martin lacked good looks as well. I guess if anyone was attractive it had to have been Billy.

  7. Was Billy Hinsche gay? Desi, Jr. and Dean Paul sure seemed to be. I would have dated Billy, he was the cutest of the trio.

    1. I think Desi Jr. and Dean Paul are both bisexual. No information on BIlly Hinsche.

  8. Always thought he was very cute. Those looks and his bashfulness OMG


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