
Oct 30, 2013

After Romeo: Gay-Positive Boy Band

Boy bands are usually oppressively heterosexist, littering their lyrics with "Girl! Girl! Girl!," sending their fans the message that gay people most emphatically do not exist.  But not After Romeo.  Their debut song, "Free Fall," is about starting something new:

I'm standing to the edge and I'm looking to the ground
I got trapped inside of the madness and I can't stand run around

It's a new day, new day
It's a rat race, rat race
I'm in no shape, no place
To just walk away, walk away

And "Save Some Snow for Me":
I need you to save some snow for me
You know that your where I want to be
No it's not Christmas, Christmas at all
without you

Notice the resounding absence of "Save some snow for me, girl!"

The group consists of:
1. Devin Fox (top photo)
2. T.C. Carter (left)

3. Jayk Purdy (left)
4. Drew Ryan Scott (below)
5. Blake English
6. Bobby Edner was a member, but recently quit.

My gaydar goes off for most of them, but I don't know if any are gay in real life.

They are gay-positive, though.

This year they will be performing on the BullyProof tour, spreading the anti-bullying message, which is often an anti-homophobia message, to  junior highs, high schools, and malls across the U.S.  in conjunction with Defeat the Label.  Here's a link to their anti-bullying PSA.