
Sep 28, 2018

12 Fairytale Hunks of "Once Upon a Time"

Once Upon a Time is a pastiche of feuding figures from fairy tales (mostly Disney versions), mythology, novels, folklore -- you name it.  The main characters are Snow White, Snow's daughter Emma, her grandson Henry, Regina the Evil Queen (who turns into the Good Queen), Rumpelstiltskin, Prince Charming, Captain Hook, and Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

But many other recognizable faces from your childhood appear.

With physiques that are the stuff of legend.

1. Michael Socha as Will Scarlett, Robin Hood's chum.

2. Liam Garrigan as King Arthur, the mythical king of Dark Age Britain, seen here schtupping his bff Lancelot (just kidding)

3. Deniz Akdeniz as Aladdin (the one from the Disney movie, not the one from the 1001 Nights).

4. Charles Mesure as Blackbeard, the real-life pirate, aka Edward Teach (1680-1718)

5. Sinqua Walls as Sir Lancelot from the Arthurian legends.

6. Hank Harris as Henry Jekyll, from the Robert Louis Stevenson novel (Sam Witwer as Mr. Hyde).

More after the break

7.  Faran Tahir as Captain Nemo, from the Jules Verne novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

8.  Chad Michael Collins as Gerhardt Frankenstein, the monster from the Mary Shelley novel.

9. Craig Horner as the Count of Monte Cristo, from the Alexander Dumas novel.

10. Chad Rook as Captain Ahab, from the Herman Melville novel Moby Dick.

11. Jonathan Whitesell as Hercules, from Greek mythology (I guess there was a Disney movie, too).

12. Thomas Cadrot as Aesop, the real-life storyteller from Ancient Greece.

Tom Sawyer, Zeus, Poseidon, Hansel (from Hansel and Gretel), and Pinocchio show up, too.


  1. Pairing Arthur and Lancelot would make for an interesting reinterpretation. I mean, for a story with incest and patricide already. (Okay, that's just La Mort d'Arthur.)

    Now I want to write a story about a bisexual man with a lover of each gender who goes mad with jealousy when he catches the two of them in bed.

    If Tom Sawyer, there must also be a Huckleberry Finn.

    1. Just Tom Sawyer. He appears as a student in Snow White's elementary school classroom, although in the original novel he's 14, and would be in high school.

    2. I think they were going with cartoon adaptations (which make him younger, as a rule, maybe to downplay the homoerotic angle a lot of critics have gone with).

      And of course, Huck Finn has no need for school.

  2. #12: Thomas Cadrot did indeed play Aesop. But THAT is not a picture of Thomas Cadrot.


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