
Sep 28, 2019

Searching for Gay Characters in Comics in 2019

Heartened by the gay-friendiness of Welcome to Wanderland, I went to my local comic book store and picked up a pile, I mean went to Comixology and downloaded the digital versions of six comic books that they recommended.   As usual, I was looking for gay characters, or at least gay subtexts, but beefcake would do in a pinch.

1. Amazing Age: "Sam Charleston is a normal kid who likes hanging out with his best friends Mike and Violet. However, a tragic event drives the trio apart and they navigate their high school lives without each other. That is until one day when one of Sam's old childhood comics mysteriously appears and brings the friends back together in an unexpected way."

Opening scene: they're writing a superhero comic.  Mike wants his character to "get a lady."  Not a good sign!

Then Sam's Dad dies, and he goes over to the dark side, becoming a juvenile delinquent.  Five years later, Violet is a punk, Mike is a jock, and they hate each other.

Sam passes out in class, and awakens as a character in his comic book, Amazing Age.

The end.  Why are these comics so short?  You barely get the premise.

Gay characters: None specified.  Mike wants "a lady."  I assume that Sam wants one, too.

2. Book of Monsters #1 - Alone: "Stories have long been told of the Pied Piper who leads kids through the deepest and darkest parts of the forest. But what happens when the children he is leading lose their way?"

The older teen's shirt reveals half of his chest on thecover, but nothing inside - a deliberate attempt to draw in readers with the promise of beefcake.

The kids lost in the woods fight troll-monsters who have a problem with personal pronouns: "Find own meat!  This mine!"  It gets old fast.

I'm much more interested in the Pied Piper than some dumb monster-battle, but he doesn't appear at all.

Gay characters: None specified.

3. Miskatonic High: "Five teens take on H.P. Lovecraft's monsters and their small-town high school ... They're just not sure which is worse."  Didn't know what to expect.

First scene: We open in media res at a Breakfast Club-like detention.  A discussion of nose-picking.  It can only go downhill

The five kids,   bookworm Simon, jock Matt , and three girls (Alex, Ren, Sarah), are performing required community service as their punishment, when they are zapped into the ancient world and fight an tentacled monster.

Yawn.  Not another monster battle!

Gay characters: Matt gets a girl.  I can't figure out if Simon is gay or just sophisticated.

4. Offbeats: "It's Tintin meets Tarantino in this 1950's crime noir! A young man tries to save a woman from a vicious street gang, but ends up needing to be rescued by a petty crook who introduces him to a whole new world!"

Next Issue: Booker and Jim rescue a missing dancer, but end up being betrayed. The cops hand Jim over to a local mob boss who offers to free him in exchange for betraying Booker -- who mounts a daring raid to rescue his new friend."

I was sold by the promise buddy bonding, but it was all a tease.  Jim is obsessed over his girlfriend, Booker has a wife, and they inhabit a world full of strippers and hookers.

5. Planet of the Nerds: "Three high school jocks in the 1980s are accidentally frozen by an experimental cryogenics device, only to be revived in the computer-driven, superhero movie-loving world of 2019, an era ruled by nerds!"

I chose Issue #4 because of the naked jock on the cover (top photo):  "Feeling like misfits in 2019, the thawed-out jocks from the '80s hatch a plan for revenge on the rich and powerful nerd who froze them."

No, they don't.  They break into his house, only to be stopped by his private security guards.

The cover picture does not appear in the story: the thawed-out jocks are staying with Steve's ex-girlfriend Jennie, who has aged 30 years, but Steve still feels that it's his duty to have sex with her (she refuses).

Fortunately for him, because he can now come out as gay (which is ok in 2019).  That's the end of the nudity.

I like the jocks' horror at the dystopian society they've awakened to:  We have Nazis again, Donald Trump is president, Prince is dead, Kirk Cameron is a religious cultist and Bill Cosby is a felon. 

Postscript: In Issue #5, they confront the evil scientist cum Nazi who accidentally froze them, and Steve gets a boyfriend.  Fade out kiss and everything.

Gay characters: Two

6. Rex Radley, Boy Adventurer: "Rex Radley is an 11 year old boy born into excitement! His mom pilots a giant robot and fights towering monsters! His dad has a cavewoman bodyguard and defends the planet from an army of dinosaur men! The Adventure never stops for Rex!"

So Jonny Quest without Dad's life partner Race Bannon, or his own life partner Hadji.  Sounds awful.

Rex does seem awfully mature for 11; I would have guessed 16.  But he has no friends his own age, and the adults are almost all women: Mom, his aunt, and Dad's companion:  a cavewoman who doesn't know how to use personal pronouns "Been long time since Tharga ate dinosaur."

Come on, personal pronouns are easy.  Repeated after me: Ego, yo, eu, je, Ich, wo.  And everybody knows that humans and dinosaurs never co-existed.

Gay characters:  None specified.

1 out of 6, not a great score.  I think I'll stick to Kevin Keller.

See also: Welcome to Wanderland


  1. Well, a lot of it depends on what you're looking for. The format is shitty for romance, which is why romance comics (other than Trouble, which has the nice side effect of screwing up the Parker family, so yes, it's in Marvel canon, and it's Marc Millar of you needed another reason to hate it) have been dead for over 50 years: You can't carry on a romance story for that long.

    So you end up with characters who are coincidentally gay, but their love lives are a subplot.

    1 Of course, "get a lady" generally means one of several things in superhero comics:

    A. She dies tragically to provide motivation, as with Gwen Stacy or Alex de Witt. (Yeah, even the sensitive type like Kyle Rayner might find his girl in a refrigerator.You know, besides coining that phrase.)
    B. She's frankly insane, such as Jean Loring. (Hey, you want to see a bunch of beloved characters die or be ruined?)
    C. She's really powerful enough to destroy the universe, like Jean Grey or Raven.
    D. She's a rapist, like Miriam Delgado or Talia al-Ghul. (Like father, like son I guess.)
    E. Or besides B-D, she's just a generic traitor like Tara Markov, and screwing a guy four times your age just to twist the knife.

    Yeah, you don't want a lady. If they're not dead, they're evil.

    2 is what? I thought the Pied Piper was an exterminator who took your kids if you failed to pay. Also, wait, did that guy in front get fashion advice from Dick Grayson? (Seriously, look at the first Nightwing costume.)

    3 Just not getting HPL...

    4 Whoever did Offbeats must be a fan of Frank Miller. (Seriously, I think 300 is the only Miller book I've read without prostitutes in it.)

    5 Welcome to Earth-X. I hope you like it. The rightward shift of your own time combined with the braindead "both sides have a point" masturbation of the 90a created this.

    6 Nice to see the classic Silver Age WTF (e.g., humans living alongside dinosaurs) still has a place. I really can't complain when I read a book about an intergalactic police force powered by emotion or a man bitten by an irradiated spider.

    1. The Pied Piper led the children of the village off to an unknown fate, but some of them got lost in the woods on the way, and had to fight monsters. Or how about this? Just have them lost in the woods after gathering acorns or something, and skip the Pied Piper mythology altogether. It's a stand-alone story, so not like he'll be showing up later.

  2. I pushed this to the top because I read Issue #5 of "Planet of the Nerds," and the gay character gets a fade out kiss (and shirtless bedroom scene). Turns out that he's the narrator of the whole thing


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