
May 7, 2020

AFK: Gamers Trapped in a Virtual World

AFK (obscure title) is a webseries on Amazon Prime about some gamers who are trapped in the bodies of their avatars in a mysterious, chaotic world.  Sounds like the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon from the 1970s.  But the avatars must be totally built, Conan the Barbarian-types, and the Episode 2 synopsis has this tidbit: "Steven's revelation has a serious effect on his relationship with Brendon."

Dare I hope that they are a gay couple, and not brothers or horndog buddies, or "Brendon" is a girl?

Heck with the pilot.  I'm watching Episode 2.

Scene 1:  Not Conan the Barbarian types.  Two zombie avatars in military uniforms are wandering through a dark woods at night.  having a humorous conversation and dancing.  Is this a comedy?  The plot synopsis makes it sound like a grim, disturbing adventure series.

Suddenly two avatars in robes attack.  They kill one zombie.  The other tries to explain that he's just a player, trapped in this chaotic world, but they can't understand.

Scene 2:  Q (Mia Pistorious) and Maybel (Ravi Narayan, left), an elf and a gnome, are sleeping on the ground.  They awaen.

Uh-oh, a boy with a girl's name.  This doesn't bode well for the Steven-Brendon relationship.

They raise their bows and arrows, but it's just Jack (Calum Gittins) returning from a date with a girl.  Q  is angry with him, and tells him to go away, but he apologizes.

Maybel complains that he's not comfortable with Jack being around while he's sleeping. Is he worried about a sexual assault?

Scene 3:  They're sleeping again. Or is this another couple? The woman awakens to the man crying.She excuses him -- after all, he's really just a kid (age 15), trapped in this chaotic world, and he misses his Mom.  She calls him Brendon.

They cuddle.  Brendon gets an erection.  Watch it, girl -- he's jail bait.

He doesn't even know her name yet.  She tells him -- Steven (J.J. Fong).

Brendon (Grae Burton) is not happy with the revelation that she is a guy with a female avatar.

Scene 4: Back to Q, Maybel, and Jack.  It's finally morning.  They're upset that they didn't get back home during the night.  They go off in search of food and water and run into the bandits who stole Jack's armor.  But Q refuses to shoot them.  Jack is very upset.

Scene 5:  Lady feet -- why do we always get introduced to ladies from the feet up?  No one sees anyone like that in real life!

A half-naked lady with feet brings a bucket of water to the scuzzy-looking Vlad (Ivan Essin), dressed as a 17th century pirate.  He is sort of like Negan of The Walking Dead, the brutal leader of a survivor community (they developed survivor communities in one day?).

The half-naked lady takes her breakfast to eat with a man whose beard is growing too fast (he wouldn't know -- he's never had a beard before).

It's Steven and Brendon. They look completely different this morning!  And when did they hook up with pirates?

They argue about how Steven could possibly allow Brendon to spoon, knowing that she was actually a guy!  Transphobia, Brendon?

Steven won't explain why he has a female avatar.  He just says that he has a nice butt as a woman, and invites Brendon to touch it.  Brendon refuses.

Vlad, in new clothes, appears to flirt with Brendon, but the scene goes by too fast to be sure.

Scene 6: Three warriors are hunting.  Whoops, they are Q, Maybel, and Jack again.  Everyone keeps looking different in this world!

They discuss what they would be doing in the real world right now -- eating a muffin, doing homework, going on Facebook.

Scene 7: Vlad, whose actual name seems to be Vanya, and Brendon are hunting. Brendon aims at a wild boar, but someone has already shot it: Q!

Brendon is upset that she's stealing his target.  He raises his bow and arrow.

Scene 8:  Maybel has to go to the bathroom.  He reveals to Jack that he's afraid to pull out his penis  -- he's a girl in real life.

Scene 9:  Vlad and Brendon capture Q and bring her back to the survivor's camp.  Q fights Vlad for her freedom.  Shirtless Vlad!  She wins,but is captured anyway. Vlad is about to kill her,when the a troll comes to the rescue.

Scene 10:  In the ruckus, Q, Brendon, and Steven escape.  They make it back to the camp, and reunite with Maybel and Jack.

Jack flirts with Steven, who explains that he's a dude, so of course no romance is possible.  Got it -- gay/lesbian and transgender people do not exist.

A ganker (avatar killer) appears.  They run away, and are saved by the friendly troll again.

Scene 11: They are separated (good -- too many characters).  Jack, Steven, and Brendon end up at a lightning tree, where they encounter Rita Repulsa from Power Rangers.  She appears to have a history with Jack.

Ok, I accidentally watched two episodes.  They mesh together.

Beefcake:  Only Jack is reasonably cute.  Why did they all select ugly avatars?

Other Scenery: Very low budget, all woods all the time.  I don't see what's so chaotic about it.  There are no perils except for other players, sort of like The Walking Dead without the zombies.

Gay Characters: Not that I could tell.

Transgender Characters:  Steven, maybe. But more likely this is a world where no LGBT people exist. ("I'm a dude, so no romance is possible.).

In a later episode, Jack wants to find out of Q is male or female in real life, so he kisses her: "You let me kiss, so you can't be a dude."

Transphobia:  "I cuddled with a woman who was really a guy!  How disgusting!"


  1. I saw the trailer and it looks like cheap version of "Lord of the Rings"

    1. Coincidentally, it is shot in New Zealand, and some of the actors appered in LOTR

  2. Why would games have erections as an option? Usually that stuff falls into unnecessary detail left to the imagination. If it shows up at all, it's something like "puff puff".

    1. It's a real world, in that they have to eat, sleep, and go tot he bathroom, they can be killed, and none of the powers they had in the video gaee (or games) work. As far as I can tell, the only connection is that something put them into physical forms esembling their avatars and zapped them into the woods.


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