
Jun 14, 2020

Curon, Episode 2: Every Gayer and Creepier

I don't usually do second episodes, but...the plot twists!  The gay subtexts and texts!  The beefcake!

Recap: Curon, the Netflix tv series, sends Ana and her two teens to her hometown in northern Italy, where her mother was murdered 17 years ago by someone with her face.  Grandpa Thomas is not happy to see them, probably because there's someone with her face trapped in the attic.  But Ana is staying anyway, and sends the twins to school.   Daria gets a girlfriend; and Mauro seems to be out on the Black Lake and back home in his room with his shirt off at the same time.

On to Episode 2:

Prologue:  Grandpa Thomas and Ana quickly drive away, while someone who looks like Ana climbs out of Black Lake.

Scene 1: Breakfast.  Grandpa Thomas tells the twins that Ana has gone off by herself to calm her nerves, so she won't be answering her cell phone.  He also shows Mauro the room where he saw the person with Ana's face last night; it is empty.

Scene 2: Micki, Daria's new girlfriend, reveals their kiss last night to Lucas (Luca Castellano),a shy boy who obviously has a crush on her but is stuck in the friend zone. He isn't happy with this new development.

Scene 3: Grandpa Thomas tells his friend Berger "Thanks for last night" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).  He asks if there are one or two bodies.  (I'm lost.  Who died?)

Scene 4: In school, the teacher forcibly separates the twins.  Daria must sit next to Mickie (not a problem!), and Mauro, next to Lucas (matchmaking?). They insult each other.

Scene 5: Albert Asper (Alessandro Tedeschi)), the guy Ana used to date back before the murder-leaving town 17 years ago,  comes across some dead sheep.  There's a wolf in the woods!  (I hope this isn't a boring werewolf story!)

 Meanwhile, teacher is telling a story about how there's two wolves inside of us, one good and the other evil, fighting for control.  (Ulp;; it's going to be a boring werewolf story....)

What a coincidence -- teacher is Klara Asper, Albert's wife.  And Mickie and Giulio (one of the Hugging Guys) are their children!  I hope they are ok  with having two gay kids.

Scene 6:  Classes let out early in Italy: Mickie invites Daria home for lunch (bringing the new girlfriend home to meet the folks?).   She blows off Lucas, who gets mad and punches a mirror and then tells someone about last night's lesbian kiss.  Soon it's all over the school.

Scene 7: Lunch. The family is deeply religious, with crucifixes everywhere (wait -- Klara the teacher won't allow crucifixes in her classroom, but she's got a house full of them?  Something's wrong with this family).

Scene 7: Grandpa Thomas and his buddy are tracking "them" in the woods.

Meanwhile, Lucas and Mauro bond.  Suddenly the Boat Rental Guy shows up and asks about the boat that Mauro stole.last night.  Why is it still on the lake?

He calls them "pansies," and they run away.  (Is everybody in this show gay?  But Lucas is in love with Mickie...)

Meanwhile, Daria and Mickie discuss the kiss.  It was Mickie's first time, and her parents would have a fit if they found out.

Scene 8: They're just sitting down to lunch.  Dad Albert criticizes Klara's cooking; she cringes. Giulio gets up from the table without permission, and Dad practically attacks.  Authoritarina, abusive jerk!  And, no doubt, homophobic. (With two gay kids!).

 Scene 9:  Instead of kissing Mauro, Lucas gives him a plot exposition dump.  The submerged church is not due to a demon invasion.  After the War, Daria and Mauro's great-grandparents) pushed through a reservoir project which submerged the whole village, and everybody had to move. That's why the Rania family is hated so much.  (Political/economic tensions. I'm disappointed.  I thought it was Satan).

 Meanwhile, Grandpa Thomas and his buddy are still tracking (after that plot dump, something exciting had better happen soon.) 

They go into a cave and call for a someone to come out ("I won't hurt you.")  But the person or werewolf won't.  So they keep tracking, and find a cell phone with a call from Mauro on it.  Maybe the missing mom's?

Scene 10: Someone wrote "Mickie Asper Lesbica #Maiunagioia" on the wall of the school.  Luca desperately tries to erase it.  Mickie assumes that he did it and yells "You're dead to me."

Scene 11: Giulio is boxing with his shirt off, while the other Hugging Guy, Davide, plays on his cell phone. He practically kills his opponent; Davide has to rush into the ring and pull him away.  Then Giulio showers naked, while Davide asks "What happened back there?  You looked possessed by...."  He throws him a wad of cash. "Now either smile, or tell me what's wrong."

 Giulio smiles.  "I missed you."

The homoeroticism of that scene is breath-taking.  I need a break. I'll be back later.

Scene 12:  Lucas goes home, where his fat, fruity Dad is playing with their cat.

He takes a shower and hangs around nude, upset over the day's events.  Suddenly he sees a naked guy standing behind him.  With his face.

Scene 13:  Mickie and Daria are shooting up an abandoned trailer for fun. They discuss Lucas.

Meanwhile, Grandpa Thomas and his buddy are still tracking (hasn't it been, like 8 or 9 hours?  Did they get a bathroom break?) Thomas wants to continue tracking "them" down a ravine, but Buddy points out that "they're" already dead, and anyway it's getting dark.

Scene 14: Mauro is playing with his drone.  There's someone in the attic room where he saw his mom's doppleganger!  He rushes to investigate.  Albert the Jerk, who stands too close, bugs his eyes, and generally acts gross nd creepy ("I'm worried about your mother's disappearance because we used to be friends...good friends..."}

Scene 15: Mauro tells twin sister the plot exposition dump he got earlier.  They find Mom's cell phone -- still in the house! Why would she leave without it?  Is Grandpa Thomas lying?

Scene 16: Albert the Jerk is wandering around in the dark, being creepy.

Meanwhile, Lucas is crying and holding his head with his shirt off.

Suddenly we see his doppelganger climbing naked out of the Black Lake. Shudder.

Beefcake: A lot.

Weirdness: A lot.

Heterosexual characters:  Lucas, maybe?

See also:Curon: A Gayer, Creepier Locke and Key


  1. In the 3rd episode,Albert the Jerk has a heart-to-heart with Mickie. He has no problem at all with her being gay. Go figure -- the abusive, aggressive jerk with wall-to-wall crucifixes is gay-positive. I guess in a town where 99% of the population is gay, you'd have to be.

    1. In an era when 99% of the population...Why do you think the asshats have started focusing on trans people?

  2. Italian? Nope, not goin' to watch it... 😏🤷‍♂️ I don't mind that 1st photo, though! 🔥👌🏻

    UPDATE: After reading your whole post (and goin' back to the 1st one), I am interested, haha! Just want to see how it all looks like on the screen, so... Will take a look later. 👍🏻 Might mute it and turn the subtitles on. 🙄

    1. What's wrong with Italian? Sometimes they speak German and English, too. Since they're right next to the border with Austria,they must all be bilingual, and it seems that teenagers everywhere use English almost as much as their own language. It's the language of their movies, tv, and video games, after all.


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