
Mar 29, 2024

One beefcake photo of Michael J. Fox and nine of other guys

Other than "that character can't be gay! He said hello to a girl in Scene 12!", the most common complaint I get is "that photo isn't of the obscure actor you're writing about!"

I don't understand the problem. Beefcake is beefcake.  Why is it essential that an article be illustrated by pictures of the actor listed on the IMDB?  Especially if they're so obscure that not one person in a hundred will be able to tell the difference.   

It's not intentional.  It's just that it's hard to recognize an actor after seeing him in just one movie.  There are usually a hundred other people with similar features.  Plus he might look completely different over time.

For instance, take Michael J. Fox, the famous star of Family Ties, Back to the Future, Teen Wolf, Spin City, and so on, the first celebrity I met  when I moved to West  Hollywood.  I'm going to pretend that I I've only seen him in Back to the Future, and google "Michael J. Fox" and "body." Here's who pops up:

1. Robbie Benson, a teen idol of the 1980s.  I'm definitely sure that this is Robbie Benson, because I had that same photo hanging on my bedroom wall.

2. Charlie Sheen in Full Metal Jacket. Michael J. Fox was not in it.

3. No idea

4. I think he was in one of those Friday-night TGIF sitcoms, Full House or Raising Dad or something.

5. No idea.

More after the break


6.  This looks like Kevin Bacon with a moustache in a white cowboy hat.  Did Kevin Bacon ever play a cowboy with a moustache?

7. No idea.

.8 William Gallo, who was doing a John Travolta clone things back in the 1980s  I know who it is because the poster is labeled "Teen Beat Hunk of the Month William Gallo," and it's probably correct.

9.  No idea.

10. The real Michael J. Fox. 


  1. It never bothers me when you post the wrong pictures, because hey! cute shirtless guys! But I did have to chuckle at the irony of this post as your pic of "Charlie" Sheen is actually his dad Martin from the movie Apocalypse Now. ;)

  2. Ok, I thought it was Charlie Sheen because it looks like him, and I knew that Charlie Sheen was in some war movie about a full metal somethng, and I've never seen "Apocalypse Now." And I have a cataract in my right eye which makes everything blurry, so you'll have to cut me some slack.

  3. Readers of your blog should not complain about photos of cute shirtless guys. Yes that is Martin Sheen in "Apocalypse Now" look alike son Charlie was in "Platoon" the less look alike son Emilio also looks good. Mathew Modine is the star of "Full Metal Jacket"

  4. You have two #4. The top one (hairy chest, coffee cup) is Greg Evigan from My Two Dads.

    #5. Kevin Bacon from I Love Dick.

    #7. Will Arnett?

    1. "I Love Dick"? Is that a title written by someone clueless, or a parody?

    2. I call it Wolfman's Law: "All uses of the name Dick are parodic in nature and 100% deliberate because of you have a character created in 1940, why not?"

  5. #4 is Greg Evigan, who was on "My Two Dads". Prior to that, he was on "BJ and the Bear", and "A Year at the Top".

    1. I remember him. I never saw any of those shows, but he regularly appeared in beefcake pics in the 1970s.

    2. Really? You never saw My Two Dads? It's full of subtext.

    3. Never saw "My Two Dads." I see that it was on Sunday nights opposite "The Simpsons" or "Married...with Children," so I would have watched those instead. I never heard anyone in West Hollywood mention it.

  6. My only complaint is when gay subtext involves young (i.e., prepuberty) children or incest. So you get that I can't stand Batman and Robin as a couple, but Batman and Superman or even Batman and the Joker works. (And the Joker is canonically in love with Batman. He hates Robins because they represent domesticity. He hates Catwoman because she's competition.) On the other side, well, I chuckle at how everyone agrees Dick Grayson is bisexual, but the "spirited discussion" is over other details, like incest, much older men, and general thottery,

    1. Since when was Robin prepuberty?

    2. I believe the term is "prepubescent." Robin started out as 10 years old. Then he became a young teen. In one episode of the 1960s tv series, he has his 16th birthday.

  7. "Dick" meaning "penis" dats from the 19th century, maybe earlier. The Gramamr Blog found the Middle English "dighe," meaning "to have sex," in "The Canterbury Tales"

  8. The first photo reminds me of Jonathan Tiersten who appeared in the 1983 horror flick Sleepaway Camp.

  9. #5 is Daniel Sharman. The pic is from Teen Wolf. He was also shirtless some on Fear the Walking Dead.

    1. Never heard of him, but I recognize his character on "Fear the Walking Dead."

  10. Robbie Benson has a striking resemblance to Jonathan Tiersten. Check his listing on "Teen Idols 4 You" site.

  11. Looking for images through a browser is always awful. The browser looks for the words in a text, and dumps all the pictures in that text on your screen. "Here you are, have fun sifting through the pile!" And recognising people is difficult, even with good eyes. Hollywood seems to want the same look every time. Hairdo and -colour can change every month. Men and teenagers can bulk up or become fat and then slim again in between shirtless photos. And so on and so forth. See the suggestions as: "I think I recognise that guy, let's help Boomer a little bit with his hard job (no pun unless you want it to be)".
    P.S.: Specific on Michael J Fox: I can only remember him shirtless in one scene in one film, and I have forgotten the title. Michael graduates and gets a job in the company of his uncle - in the mailroom! He bluffs his way into the top floor. Switching between jobs means changing clothes in the lift. This fails one time, so he has to think quickly: he makes a bodybuilding pose with his scrawny physique - funny but not impressive.

    1. Michael J Fox appeared shirtless on a couple of episodes of his TV show Family Ties. One time was him standing around wet and in a towel after getting out of the shower. He was pretty hot back then!


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