
Jul 27, 2020

"Slasher: A Gay Couple, the Other Lesbian, and a Muslim Last Girl. What More do You Want?

There are lots of movies and tv shows called Slasher, so it was hard to find the one that Netflix thinks I have a 93% match with.  Apparently it's an anthology, started in 2016, with the same actors playing different roles, as in American Horror Story.  I started the third season, thinking it was the first.

It's a huge cast, and they aren't good at throwing names around whten a character is introduced, so I have the cast list on IMDB handy, and I'll fill them in as I can.

Prologue: A rave.  Lots of gyrating bodies, hands in the air, glitter, strobe lights, drugs, and sex.  Kit (Robert Cormier), with devil's horns and a nice chest, kisses a guy but selects a girl for nude plowing.

Suddenly Kit is on the deserted street, presumably heading home.  A person in a black robe and glowing mask rushes up and stabs him.  He runs inside an apartment building and starts banging on doors while being stabbed about 100 times.  "Help, I'm being stabbed!" "No, you're a jerk!" "Let me in, I'm being stabbed!"  "No, I hate you!"

Finally Kit gives up and rushes out into the street, still being stabbed.  He is hit by a car, and after a few last words, dies.  Finally! Suddenly the street is crowded with people looking at him.  Where did they all come from?

Scene 1: A year later.  It's morning (the first episode is entitled "6 to 9 am"), and a lot of people get up.  I can't keep track of them all, but there's a gay guy, a homophobe, and a well-dressed guy with a handlebar moustache.  We zoom in on Saadia (Baraka Rahmani), a Muslim girl whose parents caution her to be careful at the party tonight.  It's been exactly a year know.

I don't know if Saadia's dad will be important, but actor Saad Sidiqui is in the top photo.

Saadia lives in the very same apartment complex that Kit the Dead Guy was getting stabbed in and knocking on doors.  On her way out, she runs into the homophobe, who is drunk and trying to get into the wrong apartment.

Scene 2: We switch to  a boy and a girl talking about her final exam today, and finally getting Amber to sleep.  Their baby?  I thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend because one is black and the other Hispanic, but according to IMDB, they are brother and sister, Connor (Gabriel Darku, left) and Jen (Mercedes Morris).

But who's Amber, who she finally got to sleep?  There's a guy sleepng on Jen's lap.  Could that be her?  A transman, or a masculine-presenting nonbinary person?

Scene 3:  I'm getting the idea that everyone lives in the apartment building where Kit kept knocking on doors and screaming for help.  So they're all guilty of "not my problem" selfishness.

Next up:  Frank  (Paulino Nunes) is being abusive to his wife, but not his daughter, who also has finals today.  Then he drives off.

He stops to yell at someone and use racial slurs. The robed figure rushes up  and tries to decapitate him.  It take several blows, and Frank is alive for almost all of them.

Wait -- is the figure stabbing people at random?  If they  wanted Frank, how did they know that he would be stopping at that exact spot?

Scene 4: Cassidy (Genevieve DeGraves) is in bed, mounting a guy with long hair and tattoos (maybe Garrett Hnatiuk?):"Don't you dare go soft on me!".

Aftter they finish, Long Hair asks Cassidy out to breakfast, but she is already on Tinder, looking for the next guy.  Rude!.

Scene 5:  Dan (Dean McDermott), who may be the homophobe from Scene 2,  is writing an anti-Muslim diatribe on his blog.  Suddenly the door opens, and  Long Hair and Cassidy come out!  She is Dan's daughter!  Long Hair didn't know that she was in high school.  Dan yells, Long Hair scrams, Dan continues to yell:

Dan: "You disgust me!  You'll open your legs for any cock!"
Cassidy: "No, only the big ones."

Scene 6: Saadia is at a coffee house, where the barista, Handlebar Moustache from Scene 1, is flirting with her.  She meets up with Jen (who finally got Amber to sleep in Scene 2).  They interrogate each other on history in preparation for their final exam., and discuss the summer solstice party tonight (do high schools get out in late June?).   Handlebar likes Saadia, but hates Jen.  Go figure.

Scene 7: The police have discovered Decapitated Frank from Scene 3.  Newbie Detective Hanson (Lisa Berry) clashes with Detective Singh (Ishan DavĂ©) and yells at the bystanders furiously texting photos of Decapitated Frank to all their frineds.  She remembers interviewing him  last year.

The slasher is named the Druid, by the way.

Scene 8: At the coffee house, Cassidy (the homophobe's daughter) is complaining about her Dad.  Well, he is the worst.  She and her friends discuss whether Handlebar Moustache is creepy or hot ("He's at least 30! Ew!).  Suddenly everyone gets texted a photo of Decapitated Frank -- including his daughter, Erica (Romy Weltman), who freaks.

Scene 9: Saadia and Jen are at school.  Deserted hallway -- they must be early.  Suddenly Cassidy and her Bitch Friends appear and yell at Saadia about Decapitated Frank: "Your people did this!"

Size queen and a bigot? So no black, Hispanic, or Middle Eastern guys?  Poor thing!

Cassidy attacks, pulls off Saadia's hijab, shoves her to the ground.  The principal intervenes and tells them "Back to class!"  Um...class hasn't started yet, right?

Scene 10:  Detective Hanson interviews Decapitated Frank's wife and daughter. She flashes back to the night of the previous murder.  That night, Frank told her that he was sitting in his car, when he saw Kit running out of a building, chased by the Druid, who raised a bloody knife.  Frank raised a gun, and the Druid left.  But he tells the Detective that he didn't have anything to help with except his "tiny fists."

So Frank could have easily intervened, and now he's dead.  Got where this is going?

Scene 11:  The principal gets creepily white-guilt about Saadia having to go tthrough Islamophobic crap. Anyway, the says, you don't need to worry: Cassidy and her ilk will be gone soon.

Is that a threat, Principal Druid?

The final exam starts, but Saadia can't concentrate.  She flashes back to the night a year ago, when Kit the First Murder Victim knocked on her door, but her parents kept her from letting him in.

Scene 14: Aha! Amber was the "guy" asleep on Jen's lap.  She's the Other Lesbian, presenting as male, and now she's dragging around a container of gasoline. Joe (Ilan Muallem, left) and his wife Valerie  look down from a window.  Joe yells "Don't kill yourself!  I'm coming down!  I can help!".  But she douses herself with gasoline -- um, actually water -- while Valerie records his reaction for her vlog.

It was a joke at Joe's expense?  A guy tries to help, and he's made out to be a fool?  Valerie and the Other Lesbian are definitely slasher fodder.  

Scene 15: Joe goes to see another guy.  "I can't keep doing this!" he complains.  They kiss. and hug.

The only male cast member I couldn't identify is Angel (Salvatore Antonio), so that must be the boyfriend.  He doesn't look much like him.

Meanwhile, Violet starts her daily vlog.  It's  one year anniversary of the murder of "bisexual rent boy Kit Jennings."  And now, Decapitated Frank means that the Druid is back!

Scene 16: Saadia lost her cell phone during the fight with Cassidy, so she roams the deserted hallway of the school, looking for it.  She's being followed y a mysterious dark figure, but when she stops for a drink of water, it rushes past her.

On the way to kill Cassidy, Principal Druid?

Scene 17: Yep -- Cassidy isin the restroom, cybersexing with a hookup.  Suddenly the Druid rushes in and dunks her head in a toilet full of acid.  Very gross closeup of Cassidy with her face eaten off.  The Druid leaves.  The end.

Gay characters: Jen and Amber the Other Lesbian.  Joe and his boyfriend, gay but on the downlow.  Probably some others.

Ethnic Diversity:  Lots.  Black, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, South Asian, and a few white people.  It's nice to see a Muslim character doing things other than being Muslim.  Now, if only she turns itno a badass who saves the day.

Beefcake: A bare chest here and there.

Gore:  Lots.

Will I keep watching:  I already know who is druiding, and why.  Do I want to watch people getting sliced up in order of their culpability for Kit's death?

Wait --  Cassidy wasn't as culpable as the Homophobe, who is still around.  Could she be a red herring?  Maybe there are two Druids, working independently.

We can only hope?


  1. This actually sounds interesting

  2. I liked this one- even with the over the top violence- the men are attractive and there is not sex variety for everyone to enjoy- glad that we get to see more of Kit in the flashback- do you think he is the jock who beats up the gay guy in the locker room?

    1. Ohhhhhh Thats such an interesting theory but it doesnt make sense because the gay guy was his boyfriend Angel

  3. The gay guy in the locker room is the young Angel -- it's the origin story of the scars on his back -- so the guy fake-flirting with him can't be Kit.

  4. I've watched through Episode 3, which gives the Other Lesbian's back story. Also the principal gets slashed, so I guess she'snot the Druid after all. I still want to know how the Druid knows everyone who didn't help Kit,even tiny interactions when no one else was around.

  5. Yeah I know the kid the locker room was angel- but his jock bully looked like Kit so it could be a psycho clue I will keep watching- yes the new victims are linked to Kit's murder

    1. Angel is much older, in his 40s, while Kit is early 20s. So probably not.

    2. I wanna find his actor

  6. I finished watching the show and as the body count piled up it became less interesting. Robert Cormier who played Kit was my favorite. I hope we see more of him. Cormier who is Canadian hockey playing jock seems very comfortablein gay love/sex scenes

  7. The Homophobe survives until the end. But he does get redeemed and works with the gay guy.

  8. There's no way Kit is in his early 20's!! I was thinking more in his mid 30's, more toward the big 40!


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