
Aug 18, 2020

"Monday at 11:01 AM": A Bloated "Twilight Zone" Episode with a Hot Bellhop

It's Monday at 11:01 am.  The obnoxious Michael (Charles Agron, below) channeling Jack Nicholson, and his blond bimbette "Can I have some more money" girlfriend Jenn drive into a small town in Australia.  They stop into an antique shop, where he insults the owner.

While Jenn is maxing out his Super-Extra-Special Platinum Plus card, he stops in at a bar, where he flirts a lot of local girls, including the ridiculously out of place Olivia, who is channeling Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction.  

Then Michael and Jenn stop in at the local hotel, where he belittles the staff and bullies his way into the presidential suite.  The intensely beautiful bellhop (Sam Clark, left) warns them to stay inside at night" " are bears."

Funny, it was 11:01 am at the antique shop, and it's still 11:01 am at the hotel.  Plus, a  lot of the townsfolk seem familiar,but Michael is sure he's never been to Bodunk, Australia or Kansas before.

In the middle of the night, he is awakened to the sound of screams and a struggle in a room down the hall.  He rushes to the rescue, but the room is empty, and the staff all think he's crazy. And it's 11:01 am again.

And there are scary robed beings walking around outside.

I figured out the he's dead about 20 minutes ago.  No doubt killed in the skirmish he overhears, and doomed to endlessly repeat it.

But I keep watchng the story torn from about a dozen episodes of The Twilight Zone and then bloated out to two hours, because I can't stop looking at the intensely beautiful bellhop -- maybe he'll take his shirt off.-- and  I want to see this jerk  Michael get his comeuppance.

People in the town start to vanish.  "It's our off season,' the bartender explains.

There's a mysterious door in the restaurant that he's afraid to open.

He continues to be bullying and obnoxious, yelling at people, demanding answers.

The next night, when he runs into the screaming room, the Uma Thurman lookalike is there.

In the morning, Jenn has vanished.  "You checked in by yourself," the intensely beautiful bellhop tells him.

Michael demands more answers.  I've seen this plot a hundred times before. , but -- did I mention how intensely beautiful the bellhop is?

After more bloat, Michael finally finds Jenn in the Screaming Room, stabbed to death. "I killed her," Uma Lookalike tells him, "So we can be together."  Then she kills herself.

Michael is arrested by an obnoxious Southern sheriff.  who says things like "We don't cotton to city boys in these parts."  So now it's the American South, not Australia?

He grabs the sheriff's gun and shoots him, the other cop, a passerby, the intensely beautiful bellhop, and the hotel manager.  Then he stops for a drink at the bar and gets 15 minutes of explanations, in case you're too dumb to have figured it out in the first scene:
1. This is a limbo where you relive the last moments of your life.
2. Michael didn't kill Uma and Jenn,but he killed the five people in the hotel, so he's still a bad dude, but no one can die here.
3. The black robed figures plan to take Michael to hell, but then Jenn arrives to lead him into the light, where "your mother is waiting."  That sounds like the other place.

Charles Agron, the star and writer, has nothing on IMDB except a credit for writing, producing, and starring in the horror movie Dark House (2014).  So basically I've been watching an amateur rehash of a thousand Twilight Zone episodes, just to see Sam Clark in a bellhop costume.  And he didn't even take his shirt off.

It was worth it.


  1. Sam Clark is pretty...have you seen a movie called "Lazy Eye" (2016) about a gay lovers reuniting after 15 years. It' very good and has some sexy love scenes- you can see it on Amazon Prime

    1. Never heard of "Lazy Eye." Does it star Sam Clark?

  2. No the men in "Lazy Eye" (2016) are older and have hairy chest- they do have some nice sexy love scenes but besides that the movie is very real look at gay relationships. You can see it on Amazon Prime

  3. "Monday at 11:01" is really bad. The obnoxious, untalented and weird looking Agron only got the lead because he produced and wrote the movie. You are right the scrip is an extended Twilight Zone with touches of Stephen King- poor Lance Heriksen doing the bartender role from "The Shining" The silliest part of the script were those hooded druids. Sam Clark is not only good looking but has real star quality hopefully he will get better roles in the future

  4. Sam Clark is at his cutest in "Neighbors"


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