
Nov 4, 2020

"JJ Villard's Fairy Tales": The Most Disgusting Scene in the History of Mass Media


Satiric takes on fairy tales have been popular at least since 1944,  when Bugs Bunny encountered an annoying bobby-soxer Red Riding Hood  ("I brought you a have.").  So naturally I was drawn to the animated series JJ Villard's Fairy Tales on Vudu.  Besides, I thought that J.J. Villard must be the brother or nephew of gay actor Tom Villard (1953-1994), and therefore likely to be gay, or at least gay- friendly.  

Turns out there's no relation.  JJ Villard is a writer, director, and animator whose previous credits include Son of Satan, Chestnuts Icelolly, and Stussy: Real Deal.  He won a Prime Time Emmy for the episode "Fat Frank's Fantasy Lounge" on the tv series King Star King.

I watched part of it.  Fat Frank is a large, round alien with two naked girls gyrating atop him. His lounge contains other gyrating naked girls.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.  Back when I was still thinking that Villard was gay or gay-friendly, I decided to watch the JJ Villard's Fairy Tales episode "Boypunzel," a male version of "Rapunzel" (about the girl trapped in the tower and a handsome prince who rescues her by climbing her long hair).  

The voice artist was  Finn Wolfhard, whom I remembered vaguely as a gay kid on Stranger Things.  Or was he gay in real life?  Whichever, he was bound to bring a gay sensibility to the story:   And a handsome prince climbing the boy's gender-bending long hair to rescue him?  Gay romance written all over it.

I've given you this long, detailed background to justify why I started watching.

Boypunzel is trapped in the tower by his mother, who climbs up his hair every night to make sure he's had no visitors and hasn't gone out.

Then comes the most sickening, disgusting, vomit-inducinsg scene of any movie or tv show in the history of mass media.  Literally.  I can't even begin to describe it.  I can't think about it without getting queasy.   

My advice: do not, under any circumstances, watch this episode.  You may think you're immune to disgusting scenes after watching people sewn together butt-to-mouth in The Human Centipede, the baby being eviscerated in Eraserhead, the eyeball exhumation in Un Chien Andalou, and Brian eating Stewie's poop on Family Guy.  You are wrong.  This is much, much worse.

You're probably getting curious, thinking "It can't be that bad.  I'll give it a quick look."


And after haivng my brain seared by the most sickening sight imaginable, Boypunzel is rescued by...a girl.


  1. I think I rather watch a gay twist on "Sleeping Beauty"

    1. Yeah, but then you have a shit ton of dubcon. In the original story, she has children, and one of them sucks the splinter out while nursing.

      Also a ton of reasons why that story has to be hetero.

  2. I found the disgusting clip on you tube and yeah it's disgusting and not very funny


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