
Apr 11, 2021

"Hot Date": Netflix Asserts that No Gay People Exist


Hot Date, on Netflix, is a comedy series with interconnected sketches that explore "the perils of dating."  This screams out "Heteronormativity!", but just in case, I'll see if there's some gay representation.

The episode synopses are not promising:

1. Murphy and Emily (the main couple) "take a trip to ex land," a married couple gets frazzled, a dating show.

2. Murphy and Emily double date, Darius and Denise get a tattoo, Bridget is single.

3. Murphy dresses poorly at a club, a dad gives his kids "the talk," online beauty products.

4. Murphy inherits money, two conniving pals try to convince a third to stay with her boyfriend, a dating app takes over a relationship.  

Ok, I'll check out the "dating app" sketch.

Nope, a heterosexual couple.

5. Murphy and Emily visit a sex shop, Darius and Bridget go on instagram, Ellie hires a p.i.

6. Murphy and Emily organize a potluck, Beth and Seth go to an erotic dance show, an older chap has a hard time keeping up with his date.

Ok, I'll check out the whole episode: maybe Murphy and Emily invite a gay couple to the potluck, Beth and Seth go to see male strippers, or the older chap is dating a guy.

No, no, and no.

7. Game night, and two competing pop singers fall in love.

Doubtful, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to check to see if a gay couple comes to game night or the pop singers are of the same sex.

No and no.

8. Emily is sick, a man and a woman meet for drinks, two teens "proclaim their undying love."  

Maybe the teens...


9. Murphy and Emily play matchmaker, a teen helps his mom get a date, and "a hapless gent receives questionable advice."  

I know it's hopeless, but just in case they try gay matchmaking, Mom is dating a woman, or the hapless gent is dating a guy...

No, no, and no.

10. Murphy and Emily solve a mystery. 

Like maybe how they could be living in 2018, and not be aware that gay people exist?  Or maybe how they're so homophobic that they don't want any of "those" on their show.

If it's any consolation, the actors are all incredibly ugly.  Even those who are cute in real life are made up to look grotesque.

Serves them right.


  1. The trailer is horrible and not funny but someone must like it because it was renewed for another season?!

  2. It's not uncommon for gay characters, issues, and plots to only show up after the first season of any series. The first season is often plain vanilla but writers add the gay side later to expand the potential plot universe.

    1. Pretty much. Or have an established character come out. Like, a dad giving his kids the talk could lead in to this.


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