
Jun 22, 2021

My 3.5 Minutes in the Ghetto of Rio de Janeiro with "Dom"

 The trailer for the Brazilian tv show Dom, on Amazon Prime, shows two hot guys interacting.  Ok, one of them has a woman gazing at him with a sucker in her mouth, but I can stand a little heterosexual symbolism it if will get me some beefcake and buddy bonding.

Scene 1: Rio de Janeiro, 1999.  A crowded disco in a favela (slum) called Moro dos Tabajaras.  Everyone is dancing and waving guns in the air.    A hot guy named Pedro (Gabriel Leone) dances wildly, snorts cocaine, grabs on to his male dance partner Armario (Digao Ribeiro).  I'm thinking "Oh, boy, a gay couple!", but then he grinds into and kisses about a hundred girls.  He leaves with one for hugging and kissing and snorting cocaine from her breasts. Then he has a seizure  Ok, maybe I can't stand so much heterosexual excess...

Scene 2:   
An elegant apartment cluttered with pictures of a boy growing up.  Pedro and the girl must have had a baby, and it's 20 years later, 2019.  The middle-aged Pedro is calling the emergency rooms to see if his son was admitted.  He tells his wife "I can't believe we have to go throw this again!"  

Wait -- I got it all wrong.  It's still 1999. Why set a scene exactly 20 years ago, if you're not going to have a time jump?

It's Pedro's father Victor calling the emergency rooms, as if he somehow knows that Pedro had a seizure during sex.  His wife -- no, his daughter -- reveals that a friend saw Pedro going into a favela.  Victor swears and yells, grabs his gun, and rushes out. A favela is a slum.  There are dozens in Rio.  How does he know which one?

Victor rides his motorcycle through the streets of Rio and arrives at a police barricade.  A dozen cops draw guns on him. Just for approaching a barricade?  He flashes his police badge, and they let him through.

The party in the favela is still going strong.  Why the barricade?  Victor rushes into the crowd and yells "Pedro!"  Why does he think that will work?  There must be a dozen guys named Pedro at the party.

Meanwhile, Pedro isn't having a seizure at all -- he's just having an orgasm.  He licks the inside of his girl's mouth. Who does that?  It's disgusting.  

Victor shoots off his gun to get the group's attention.  Um...not smart.  Everyone in the favela is armed.  A thousand guns point at him.  He yells "I want my son!  Where is he?" You'd think a police officer would be a teensy bit more street smart.

Armario, Pedro's dance partner, rushes to tell him that his Dad's here, acting crazy.  Pedro gets dressed (nice butt!) and rushes out.  Just as the gang bangers decide to shoot Victor, cop or not, Pedro appears: "He's my Dad.  I can handle him.  Let me take care of it."

They argue.  "Go home.  I'm fine." "Get on the bike.  You're coming with me." "No, I'm not leaving."  With a thousand guns pointed at me, I'd be out of there.

If this whole series is going to be set in 1999, with no time jump to the present, and with people acting this ridiculous, I think I'm out of here anyway.

I checked the premise to be sure: Dad is a cop with an absurdly counterproductive obsession with drugs, and Pedro is a coke head who becomes a professional burglar to support his addiction.  I don't think either of them are gay, but Gabriel Leone apparently played a gay character in the telenovela Verdades Secretas

1 comment:

  1. There were a lot of guys like that (flirting with guys but insist they're straight) when I was a teenager too. But no coke involved.

    How can a kid in a favela even afford coke?


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