
Aug 24, 2021

Brian Thompson: Is the Action-Adventure Thug Gay?


It was recommended that I do a post on Brian Thompson.  My first thought was that he was the gay guy from Second City TV, but that's Scott Thompson.  I never heard of Brian, so I looked him up.

Ok, he doesn't have much appeal in the face department.  If he approached me at the Faultline on a Saturday night, I'd give him major Attitude.  

But he had quite a physique back in the day, if his head wasn't photoshopped onto this body.

Born in 1959, so about a year older than me, he grew up in Washington and got his MFA in Theater from UC Irvine.  He originally wanted to go into musical theater, but his physique and features got him typecast as thugs and gangbangers, occasionally upgraded to action-adventure villains:

"Street Punk" in The Terminator (1984)

"The Night Slasher" in Cobra (1986)

"Thug" in Three Amigos (1986)

"Second Thug" in Three Fugitives  (1989)

This photo is from the Muppet Wiki, but Brian didn't play a comedic thug in any Muppet movie.  He played Hercules, a non-villain, in the tv miniseries Jason and the Argonauts (2000).

He also played several Klingons and Romulans on various iterations of Star Trek.

And lots of beserkers and baddies, on episodes of The X Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Birds of Prey, Californication, Hawaii Five-O, and The Orville.

Action-adventure stars usually turn to comedy as the age, but Brian seems to have turned to various authority figures, with a little  country-western thrown in.  In Big Muddy (2018), he reconcilles with his estranged brother while sailing down the Big Muddy River.

Plus, in the upcoming Tragedy of Macbeth (2021), he plays Young Murderer.  I wonder who plays Old Murderer.

No gay roles in Brian's career, that I could find.  Action-adventure movies tend to be entirely gay free.  But what about in real life?

Hard to say.  Attempts to search for "Brian Thompson" and "gay" yield a gay Brian Thompsosn who is a financial planner, another who belongs to the ACLU Wisconsin Board of Directors, and a third who is awaiting the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage in a New York Times article from 2015.

Brian the actor's wikipedia page doesn't mention a partner, but it mentions two daughters, along with his interest in paddle surfing, windsurfing, and kite surfing.  

If he is gay, he might have trouble meeting guys.  Unless he takes his shirt off at the Faultline just before last call.


  1. Thonpsom would have gotten plenty of action at the gay bars in his younger days- look at him in "Nightwish" (1989) a confusing horror movie you can see on Tubi tv. He is not pretty but has that body and the voice.

    1. I checked the photos on IMDB. Nice body, but his face is still a bit too craggy for my tastes. Not a complete turn off, but he would have to have several other pleasing qualities for me to agree to a date.

  2. Currently, he’s married to Shari. Not saying he’s not gay or bi, but married twice so at least had a straight facade.

    1. One marriage to a woman might be a cover, but not two, so I doubt that he's gay. He could be bi.

    2. Thompsom has two children so we know he had sex with a woman at least twice.

    3. Oscar Wilde had two children, too.

    4. There are plenty of Down Low Dads

  3. He did play gay once, in Miracle Mile (identified in the credits as "Power Lifter"). He surprises Anthony Edwards character by forcing him to wait while he gets the one person he won't leave behind...his slender blond boyfriend doing aerobics with the ladies in the next room.

    1. They have that scene on You Tube

    2. Yeah, it was about a nuclear war and Anthony Edwards gets a phone call from somebody that knows the missiles from Russia are already in the air and on their way to the US, and that they have minutes to get the hell out of there, the ending is kind of sad though, but I won't spoil it. Brian Thompson also was in at least one horror film that I have called Fright Night 2, the sequel to the original Fright Night made in 1985, but in part 2, he plays some sort of ghoul, that identifies any insect that he grabs by it's scientific classification, then eats them.

    3. With nuclear missiles on their way to destroy the world, I think we can figure out the ending.

  4. just to clarify SCOTT Thompson was a member of Kids In The Hall, not Second City.


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