
Dec 6, 2021

"Go! The Unforgettable Party": Forgettable Christmas Fun-in-the-Sun


Go! The Unforgettable Party
 (2019) drew my attention by an icon of a cute guy, shirtless, lying in a hammock.  

Prologue:  An outdoor party.  Two guys are playing guitars and singing to each other, but in a sort of macho competition.  I get the impression that we're supposed to be familiar with this characters already.  Is this a sequel to a tv series?  

Scene 1: Establishing shot of a resort town in Argentina.  At Christmas.  Four sunglasses-wearing women burst into a hotel.  A girl rushes to the front of the check-in line, but Mom advises her that they should act like regular people.  The Entitled Girls  squeal that this will be the best week of their lives, because Mia isn't around.  Mom and her friend are happy because Ramiro isn't around.

Meanwhile, three cute guys-- their brothers? -- are unloading the van, wondering why Mom and the girls brought so many suitcases.   One (Santiago Saez, top photo) gets texts from Mia; another (Dani Rosado, left) advises him that it will bother the third (Jose Giminez Zapiola, below), who is trying to take a break from his obsession with her.  "But he is her brother!"  Say what?

Meanwhile, Ramiro (Gaston Ricaud) arrives!  With two girls, including Mia!   The hotel manager apologizes that the other hotel was overbooked, so they had to be transferred here.  Uh-oh, everyone that the others hate or are obsessed with!

Got all that?  If someone doesn't take his shirt off soon, I'm leaving.

Scene 2:  The Mia-text boy has his shirt undone as he and his brothers leave their room en route to the breakfast buffet (not enough beefcake).  They discuss how great it is that Mia isn't around.  But Ramiro and the girls are staying two doors down!

At breakfast, the Entitled Girls are obsessed with Joy (oy vey, not more drama), while Mia's friend attacks a mascot.  Surprise -- he turns out to be their third best friend Simon (Paulo Sanchez Lima), working at the hotel during Christmas break.  If he's hetero, I'm leaving.

Everyone encounters each other and yells "What are you doing here?"  

No need to go further.  You know what will happen: mildly amusing mishaps and shenanigans, a few heart-to-hearts, two parties filled with Argentine celebrities, and lots of impromptu teen pop songs.  Turns out that this movie appeared after the second season of the Argentine Glee clone Go: Vives a Tu Manera, which is available on Netflix. 

 Two of the boys in swimsuits, but just in one scene.  Some background hunks.  Not nearly enough beach scenes for a "fun in the sun" movie.

Heterosexism: Who will Mia choose?  Maybe neither she just wanted to spend time with her friends and Ramiro (who, she just discovered, is her biological father.  Always more and more drama in these telenovelas). 

You're Her Brother: Alvaro's mother, was married to Ramiro, who turned out to be Mia's father. No biological connection, just drama.

Gay Characters: Simon and Nico don"t display any heterosexual interest and work together on some comic-relief capers (Simon has to hide in bed and pretend to be Mia, and then gets trapped in the shower with his clothes on.)  But I don't feel any particular romantic vibe.  The Spanish fan wiki states that Nico has a crush on Lupe, and Simon "may have" a crush on Zoe. 

Argentina legalized same-sex marriage back in 2010.  You'd think the producers would have the cajones to identify Simon as gay.

My Grade: D.

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