
Jul 18, 2022

Lov3: Gay and Pansexual Siblings Have Sex (with Other People, Mostly)

 Amazon Prime seems primed to recommend original series with men and women gazing longingly at each other.  A surprising number have "love" in the title: Modern Love, Modern Love: Mumbai, Lovestruck High, Book of Love, Lov3., The Pursuit of Love.

The icon of Lov3 shows a man cuddling with two women, so one expects the story of a three-way.  But according to the synopsis they are adult siblings , Sofia, Ana, and Beto, who "refuse to experience love and sex like their parents."   Huh?  Why would they refuse to experience love and sex, just because their parents do?  Maybe they're asexual/ aromantic, and it's just a bad translation.   I'll review  Episode 3, in which "Luis allows Beto to bring his Curious Straight to his place."

Scene 1:  Young adult Sofia is watching a cooking show on tv and apparently masturbating to its star, Joaquin (Caio Horowicz, top photo).  Then suddenly he's in front of her, asking for help fixing his skateboard: "I'll be a certified mixologist by tomorrow.  Got a gig with a rich guy who wants to eat my ass."  That's not what mixologists do!  And why does he need a skateboard for a rimming gig?

After he leaves, Sofia goes outside to talk to Matheus (Jorge Neto), who is designing a t-shirt "for the parade." It looks blue and pink.  Bisexual pride? Asexual pride?  They hug; Sofia is turned on.  

Scene 2: Sofia taking a shower and apparently masturbating.  Isa joins her.  Sofia is turned on, yet again.  What happened to "refusing to experience love and sex"?  Neither of the boys can pay their share of the rent this month, but not to worry, Isa is taking on extra students so she can cover it.  They make a date to watch Nosferatu in the park.  Ugh -- the whole scene, they're facing the camera with their boobs showing!

Scene 3:
The second sibling, Ana, is out jogging.  She runs into Arthur (Drayson Menezzes) - literally.  He's got a thing at Osvaldo's Bar later, but it's not a date: "You look hot."  

Scene 4:  The third sibling, Beto (Joao Oliveira), and his friend, boyfriend, or roommate Luis (Samuel de Assis, left) are having breakfast in their artsy apartment.  Beto reads a text: "Last night I dreamed we were on a date.  Want to come to my place?"  Luis is hesitant, but Beto eggs him on.  So the girls get boob shots, but the boys are fully clothed.  No fair!

Scene 5: Isa, Matheus, and Joaquin, the roommates from Scene 1, are feeding each other popcorn while watching a nature show about deer having sex.  No one ever eats popcorn while watching tv in the U.S. -- that's a media myth.  But maybe they do in Brazil.  Sofia, the roommate who is turned on by all threee of them, comes in, angry because Isa never showed up for their date.

She stomps into the bedroom and texts Ana from Scene 3: "I need money for rent."  Ana: "I don't have any.  Call Arthur."  

Ana is on her way to a parking garage to make out with a guy (not identified in the Amazon Prime X-Ray).  Meanwhile, two women make out,  another woman cooks, and another woman kisses Arthur (the disgusting dog-lapping kisses that I've seen on other Brazilian tv shows). Maybe they're all Ana?  .


Scene 6:  Beto from Scene 4 preparing for his date with the Curious Heterosexual (Tatsu Carvalho).  He appears.  Beto apologizes for throwing up in the sauna on the night they met.  Not a problem.  They have sex -- Curious Heterosexual  tops Beto, forcefully, while fully clothed.  Then he leaves.  Beto is upset -- not what he was hoping for..  

Meanwhile, Isa apologizes to Sofia for not showing up for their date: "I had cramps."  Then Sofia goes to the bar and advises the bartender, Artur (who was dog-lap-kissing Ana earlier), that she wants to find someone to screw.  "Aren't you in a four-way relationship already?"  "Yes, but they exclude me from things, and they don't pay their share of the rent."

Ok, "refuse to experience love and sex like their parents" must mean "in the same way that their parents do," that is, through heterosexual monogamy.  They aren't aromantic asexual, they're polyamorous pansexual!  Well, Beto is only into men, but the two sisters are into everybody.

Scene 7: Sofia is sitting on a kitchen counter, eating cereal.  Joaquin and Matheus rush in, grab food, and rush out, leaving piles of dirty dishes for her.  Isa comes in to complain: "Joaquin is mad because I'm not going to see him play, but I have bad cramps, and Matheus wouldn't have sex with me last night."  I'm no expert, but wouldn't having bad cramps decrease a woman's sexual interest?   

Scene 8;  Ana having lunch with friends when Shion (Diego Monteiro) appears. "I haven't seen you in a long time!'  Actually, he's the one that she met in the parking garage in Scene 5. Why lie?  She explains: "He's also a chef." Ok, Ana is a chef, so Sofia must have been masturbating to her cooking show in Scene 1.

Meanwhile, Beto vents to roommate Luis from Scene 4 about his terrible date with the Curious Heterosexual.  "No dog-lap kissing!  No cuddling!  He didn't even say goodbye -- he just left!"  I had a hookup do that once.  Whoops, Curious texts and asks for another "date." 

I'm going to skip over the scenes with Ana and Sofia.  You know what's going to happen anyway -- they have sex with a variety of men and women and complain about the rent.

Cut to Beto -- he actually accepted the second "date" with Curious Heterosexual!  Another fully-clothed ramming!  "Wait -- you're leaving?  Aren't you going to ask if I liked it?" Beto asks, as if he's surprised.  "No cuddling?  I'm not a fuck toy.  I want an emotional connection!"   Curious is aghast and runs out the door.

Next Beto shows up at Curious Heterosexual's house!  He explains: "I'm not gay, so I don't go in for emotional connections very much."  Beto offers to help him come out.  "But I like women.  I just happen to like men, too."  "Maybe you're bi?"  "No such thing."  Dude, that's the definition of bi.  

Beto convinces Curious to get naked and kiss instead of just screwing, and cuddle afterwards.  Some bare chests and butts.  Whoops -- the wife and son got home early!  "Wait -- you're married? 

Out in the living room, Curious introduces Beto as the math tutor he hired for his son.  Later he explains: "This is perfect!  You can hang around all the time, and she'll never suspect!"  Beto hesitates, but...Curious is good in bed, so....  The end.


  1. The whole sibling thing turned me off. I don't want to live in a Supernatural fuck fiction or Game of Thrones canon.

    A lot of arthouse types love incest and other "taboo" sexuality (where things like being gay or in a bisexual polycule are seen as "vanilla") but let's be honest, it's porn with pretense.

    1. Beto only has sex with men. With Ana and Sofia I'm not sure. In Scene 1, maybe Sofia was just listening to the show, not masturbating, and the shots of two women having sex go by so fast that you can't tell who they are.

  2. This all sounds very strange- I might have to watch it.

  3. I saw the trailer which shows a lot of people having sex- but then a character uses the F word and that turned me off


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