
Sep 3, 2022

"Foul Play": So many gay black sports stars with tats and beards that you can't tell them apart

Foul Play,
on Amazon Prime, has one of the most grammatically tenuous blurbs I've ever read.  Matt has two clients, both dead. "We travel to the afterlife as the deceased have a conversastion with the man himself."  What man?  Do you mean God? 

"Life for them was about championships, money, and sex, but that is all no more."  You mean "over"?  

"It's time for them to confess their sins as we are treated to a recap of their final days and for one important question to be answered -- how did they die?"  Read it three or four times, and you might figure out what it means.

But the icon for the second and third episodes depicts two heavily tattooed black guys in bed.  One seems to be cozying up to the other, who is not interested.  I'll give it a try.

Scene 1:  Several bearded, tattooed black guys and one girl respond to the news that they are dead. "This is the afterlife?" "Whatever."  "Where's the door, fuck this shit!"  They are being interviewed by Jesus Christ, the Son of God himself (off camera).  

The interviews continue, as they worry about their sins in life pushing them to the Bad Place: "I wore a condom most of the time." "Mr. Good Dick, they called me.  The chili love me."   "Could we just skip the interview?  I know where I'm going."'

They all want to know: "How did I die?"

This is very low budget, talking heads in front of a window in someone's house. 

Opening Credits
: The cast names appear on a blank screen: Tripp Ali (Bowie).

Tony Deberry (Matt)

 Gary Lavard (Calvin)

Nelson J, Davis (Outsider).

Plus one guy with no beefcake photos and two girls. 

Scene 2:  A messy bedroom.  Guy's butt as he gets dressed -- either Calvin or Outsider.  Naked hunk photos on the wall -- he must be gay!  He kneels to pray: "Thanks for everything, but I'm still waiting on that Tesla."  

Cut to Matt and Bowie cuddling in another bedroom.  Bowie starts kissing Matt's neck and back.  A gay couple!  

Calvin/Outsider rushes down the stairs and bangs on their door.  Matt answers.  

Scene 3:  Wait -- now Calvin/Outsider is running through the woods, approaching a house where Matt is on the phone.  Didn't he just knock on their door, or was that someone else?  

Matt -- or is it someone else -- is asking another guy, "Don't you remember Vegas?"

Another guy on the deck of the house: "Vegas, where I wore my white gloves?"  

Matt or someone else: "I'm more worried about you being murdered in the ring than wearing white gloves."  

I'm totally lost.  I absolutely cannot tell these people apart.  Does everybody have to have muscles, tats, and beards? They appear to be dead sports figures, but who is connected to whom?  You see a lot of chests and butts, and everyone appears to be gay, but I would prefer a little character differentiation, to figure out what's going on.

My Grade: D


  1. Every time I google Foul Play I get the Chevy Chase movie- if you like gay slashers check out "Come In" a horror short film with gay guys - well done

    1. Yes, I get the same thing. This "Foul Play" is an amateur production that appears to exist only on IMDB and Amazon. Even the actors' pages don't mention it.

    2. Yeah from the clips I saw it looks like a low budget production


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