
Apr 23, 2023

Keefe's Date with Joe Jonas: A Kelvin/Keefe Fan Fiction, Illustrated

This story takes place shortly after the resort opening scene in Season 2, Episode 9.  It is not the same universe as the "Christmas in South Carolina" story.

All characters are the property of HBO, transformed under the Fair Use clause

Keefe checked his shirt in the mirror.  Did it emphasize his pecs, but not so much that Ricky would think he was showing off?  Red tie or brown tie?  Earring or no?  He kicked himself for being so nervous, but he hadn't been on a real date for two years, not since he left the sex-and-drug haze of the Satanist Club behind and dedicated his life to the Lord.  

Suddenly Kelvin appeared at his dressing room door, carrying a cell phone.  The youngest son of famous televangelist Eli Gemstone, Kelvin was his housemate, best friend, brother, and something more that neither of them ever talked about.  "What are you hiding in here for?"

"How is your brother in law doing?" Keefe asked.

"BJ is recuperating nicely.  He'll be moving into a room on the estate tomorrow.  There was some nerve damage, so he'll be needing physical therapy.  I told Judy that we would handle it."

"Sure, anything for family."

"Whoa, you look nice, except your tie is a little crooked.  Let me fix it for you."  He came forward and started fumbling with the tie.  Keefe felt the familiar warmth from his body, the nearly-unbearable ache of desire.  Their faces were inches apart...but those inches might as well be a thousand miles. 

 The tie straightened, Kelvin quickly stepped away.  "Sorry, did I forget about our plans tonight?"

Keefe grinned into the mirror. "Remember when we met Mr. Joe Jonas, the Disney boy band star and famous Christian, at the resort opening?  Well, we exchanged numbers, and..."

The full story is on Righteous Gemstones Beefcake and Boyfriends


  1. I wanted to make it clear that Keefe did not think of his same-sex desire as something sinful that he had to give up when he found God; he was just waiting for the right person. Joe Jonas talked to Keefe during the resort scene, and he has posted in support of his gay fans many times, so he seemed like a logical matchmaker.

  2. I added "A Kelvin and Keefe Fan Fiction" to the title so you wouldn't think that this was a celebrity hookup story. I don't have any celebrity hookup stories about Joe Jonas


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