
Oct 31, 2023

"Scavengers' Reign": Heterosexual romance and torture porn on a surreal alien world


The animated series Scavengers' Reign (2023), on MAX, is being promoted as inventive, original, terrific, gorgeous, basically the best thing that has ever existed in the history of the universe.  It features a spaceship that crashes on a planet infested by surreal creatures, most of which want to eat you, control your mind, or both. Three couples landed in separate regions and have separate adventures:

1. Sam (Bob Stephenson) and Ursula, a male-female couple.

2. Levi and Azi, a lady and her robot.

3. Kamen (Ted Travelstead), who is being controlled by an alien entity as he ruminates excessively over his dead girlfriend, This is really, really annoying: they kiss, hug, gaze into each other's eyes, show off their wedding rings, kiss some more, have cute being-in-love adventures ad nauseam.  Heterosexual romance is the meaning of life, I get it.

Top photo: Someone who appears in an article about the Scavengers' Reign cast, but not in the cast list on IMDB and Wikipedia.  I saved the file as "Okiewerte," but googling that name yields only "Did you mean Okinawa?", so I don't know who he is, or who he plays.

I went through several episodes until I couldn't take it anymore.  Only "Demeter" features someone outside the main six.  Terry, I think (Skyler Gisondo) wakes up in a stasis tube in the crashed ship to find monsters fighting each other.  Once they see him, they attack, so he has to leave the ship: barefoot, with no food, water, or shelter.  He trudges across the alien planet, bloodying his feet, getting attacked, almost dying of thirst.  Finally Kamen (the one with the lost love) finds him and promises to help -- but his alien monster master kills him!  

So you spend half an episode torturing the poor guy, then kill him.  I'm sick.  The only thing worse than torture porn is heterosexist torture porn.

My grade: F-

To get the bad taste of this debacle out of my mouth, I posted a lot of pics of Skyler Gisondo and his buds on the Beefcake and Boyfriends site.

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