
Feb 2, 2024

"Killing It": Scotty McArthur as a python wrangler with a bulge, a butt, and a gay subtext. With bonus old man dick.

Killing It
 (2022-23) is a satire on the Horatio Alger myth: that anyone can and should become rich through hard work and ingenuity, so if you're not rich, you're lazy and stupid.  Craig Robinson (right) stars as a mild-mannered nebbish trying to make some easy money as a python hunter.

Link to NSFW version

I reviewed Episode 1.4, "Carlos," because it features the bulge and butt of Scotty McArthur.

Intro: A rather hunky dad and daughter are playing miniature golf.  The ball rolls into a castle but doesn't come out, so Dad reaches in to fetch it -- and you know what happens next, right?  

Scene 1:
 Craig and his friend Jillian tromping through the Everglades, looking for pythons so they can collect the big prize.  She complains about a guy she met online: she pretended that she was rich to lure him in, and now he wants to meet.  But if he discovers that she is really poor, he'll dump her.  What to do?

They're interrupted by two bushes that turn into python hunters in camoflauge suits: Brock (Scott McArthur) and his teenage son Corby (Wyatt Walter), who videotapes him killing the pythons to post online and make a fortune. Hopefully.  .

Dad and son continue to argue: "I can never do my homework because I'm always editing your stupid videos." "I'm trying to set you up for life. Would you rather know geometry or Adobe?"  Geometry, dude. Adobe sucks.

They order Craig and Jillian off their hunting grounds, 

Scene 2:
 Craig and Jillian are still tromping through the swamp, when they hear someone yelling for help.  It's the teenager, Corby: Dad is being strangled by a python!  Its head is near Brock's dick, so Craig kills it with a bolt gun ("don't cut off my dick!").  Brock rips off his camoflauge suit revealing a thong and a nice bulge.  He claims that he was just pretending to be strangled for the video. 

Then why did he pee?  "That's snake piss.  The snake pissed on top of my penis."

So who gets to turn in the snake?  They argue, and finally decide to turn it in together.

Scene 3: Whoops, the agent won't let them chop the snake in half.  Only the part with the head counts.  So, one of you turn it in, and split the money.  Besides, they can't win: they're too far behind the cool guy who is getting off his motorcycle, only his boots visible: Carlos.  He's brought in 20 pythons in the last four days!

"Hey, save some for the rest of us," Craig jokes.  Carlos glares, and tromps out to kill some more.

Brock suggests that they work together: "Two archenemies teaming up to vanquish a common foe." 

Scene 4: They go to Brock's house so he can change clothes -- outside, so he doesn't alert his wife.  If she sees him, she's going to want sex, gross!  If you don't like girls, dude, why did you marry one?  

Scene 5:
 When Corby was taping the exterior of the Wildlife Office for the video, he accidentally got a shot of Carlos' motorcycle.  They take it to the DMV so Brok's friend Matt can run the plates.  Did Brock  just grab Craig's hand? At first he refuses, but then Brock points out that Matt is sleeping with his wife, so....

Actually, Brock doesn't care about the affair.  He can't have sex with his wife anyway, because of his elbow injury. I'm no expert on heterosexual sex, but is an elbow really so essential?

(Notice the gratuitous muscle on the van behind Corby.)

 All Brock cares about is losing his best friend. Aww, gay subtext.  Matt is guilted into running the plates: the bike is registered to Family Fun Time Adventure Park.  

Meanwhile, out in the parking lot, Jillian asks teenage Corby for advice: Is it ok to pretend to be rich so a guy will like you?  Corby thinks it's unethical.  For instance, he was playing an online video game with a guy he thought was his own age, but he turned out to be 50!  A major betrayal!

"Maybe he thought that if he told you the truth, you wouldn't like him," Jillian suggests.  

"Dude, he's 50! Older than my Dad!"  Besides, it was just an online game.  The guy wasn't hitting on Corby.

She continues to press the issue.  "But have you thought about meeting with him in person, to see if you have a connection?"  

"He lives in Arizona.  And he's married."  So you'd be into meeting a guy your own age who lives nearby? 

"Are you going to throw away something so special because of one little lie?" 

"So you want me to hook up with him?"  Jillian is actually talking about her own thing, but she obviously thinks that Corby is gay, and he doesn't deny it. Gay character?  

Scene 6: Reunited, the group goes to the Family Fun Park.  They describe Carlos to some employees, and are directed to Condom Carl, who has a job moping up the puke and picking up the used condoms (teenagers have sex at the park a lot).   They wonder how this Superman of python hunting can also be a lowly condom wrangler.  If he's working full time at the park, how does he even have time for hunting?  And what about the double-locked maintenance shed?

Scene 7: Craig, Jillian,and Brock return late at night, and break into the maintenance shed.  Ulp, he's got python incubators!  He's hatching his own! 

Jillian wants to to notify the authorities, but Brock wants to kill the snakes and bring them in for the prize. An ethical dilemma!  Craig agrees with Brock. "They are pythons.  No one said you had to find them in the swamp. Besides, everyone lies.  Everyone cheats. This is the world we live in." 

Uh-oh, Brock was standing too close to one of the space heaters used to incubate the snakes.  His camoflauge costume is on fire!  He manages to get it off (more thong shot.  They run  out just as flames engulf the shed, and spread to the rest of the fun park. The end.

I skipped the B Plot, where Isaiah (Rell Battle) gets a job helping shady business mogul Rodney with his scams.  Rodney gives him a "welcome to the company" gift: the body of his predecessor!  "Do you like it?  I would have put a bow on him, but I ran out of time. Now let's go eat some fajitas."  It's linked to the episode's theme, that everybody cheats, but no one interacts with the characters in the A Plot.

Beefcake: Scotty's bulge and butt.

Gay Characters: Doubtful, but both Brock and Corby have gay subtexts.

Python Overpopulation:. Over the last twenty years, the Burmese python population in Florida has exploded -- no natural predators in the ecosystem. They have eaten virtually all mammals in the Everglades, and they are headed into populated areas.  The government has hired dozens of "python removal agents," and holds regular hunting competitions, with cash prizes.  This stuff is real.

My Grade: The ethical dilemmas were unexpectedly interesting, and I understand that Craig and Brock's choices become increasingly immoral, until they are completely corrupt -- but rich.  Plus I liked the subtexts. B.

Now who wants to see an old man's dick?

Scotty's bulge and butt and J.B. Edwards' dick are on RG Beefcake and Bonding

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