
Mar 25, 2024

Davey and Jonesie's Locker: A Canadian teencom "Sliders," with some gay characters and a bonus Jerry O'Connell

 Sliders (1995-2000) starred 90s heartthrob Jerry O'Connell as the leader of a group of castaways being zapped around parallel worlds, with a broken transporter device, so they can't control where they go, or how long they will be stuck there.  Sometimes they encounter lost loves, or find out that in this world they're famous, but more often it's dystopian horror that requires Jerry to take off his clothes for some kind of torture.

Like becoming a sex toy, or displaying his butt.

The Canadian teencom Davey and Jonesie's Locker -- super-stupid name!  - has about the same premise: due to a transporter malfunction, the two best friends at  Schroedinger High School (get it?) are being zapped among parallel worlds. Each is nearly the same as their home world, with the same students and teachers -- the Hunk, the Mean Girl, the Nerd, the Femme Boy -- but with a significant difference:

The Mean Girl has taken over the school and instituted a caste system.

Music is outlawed, because it turns the adults into werewolves.

Hunger Games world, with Davey and Jonesie fighters "to the death."

Glimmerdale world, a parody of Riverdale, with teen angst, serial killers, cults, vampires, and atrocious plot holes.

More after the break

Multiverse super-scientist Mr. Schneider (Dan Beirne), hiding out as a 10th grade science teacher, caused the mess. His alternates try to help out, explaining the premise of each world and cautioning the girls to not try to change anything. Of course, they end up changing everything, drawing the attention of the Evil Government Organization MOM.  Now a multiverse agent is tracking the girls...

Dan Beirne backside.

None.  Some of the actors are cute.

Canada: The standard closeted Canada.

Heterosexism: Davey has a jaw-dropping Boy-of-her-Dreams moment while the Hunk walks in slow motion down the hallway.  He doesn't appear to be interested, however.

LGBTQ Content: Jonesie may be a lesbian: she displays no heterosexual interest and calls Davey "the love of my life."  

The Femme Boy. Emile,  is played by Nikko Angelo Hinayo, who uses he/they pronouns. Emile displays an interest in boys in the first episode.

We see a few posters promoting diversity, and the school dance is called "An Evening of Tolerance.

My Grade: It's very low budget -- the sets are all hallways and classrooms -- and the varying levels of threat are more complex than one expects in a teencom, requiring not one but three plot expositions. Plus I can't get over the ridiculous name. C+

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