
Aug 4, 2024

Advertising Movies on Amazon Prime: It's Heteronormativity All The Way Down


Have you ever noticed that movie/tv icons on streaming services are over-loaded with heteronormativity? The heterosexual is privileged to such an extent that nearly every icon shows a man and a woman together, even if they  aren't lovers in the movie or tv series.  

I checked the first 30 icons displayed under "Your Recommendations" or "We Think You'll Love These" on Amazon Prime.   47% showed a man and a woman or two women together, including The Lake, which stars a gay man.  You'd never know from the two women in his life.

17% depicted a group, including With Love, which has a gay couple that you'd never notice.

17% featured two women together, including The Boys, which is about boys.

13% no humans

10% featured one woman by herself, including The Wheel of Time, which could have shown this buddy-bonding scene insted.

10% one man by himself, with his body usually obscured or dissolving.

And only one, 3%, two men together, Frank of Ireland.  They are not standing side by side, or even looking at each other.

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