
Sep 4, 2024

Gemstone Season 2 Memes: Kelvin swishes, Joe Canoli bulges, I don't get an Easy Bake Oven, and there's no Brad Pitt


Link to the nude photos

This is a series of memes -- jokes -- featuring Kelvin and Keefe of The Righteous Gemstones, their friends, and a few random hunks.  Most don't require you to have any background knowledge of the show.

1. A few random hunks

2. Could you at least get naked?

Tony: What do you mean, Kelvin and Keefe don't kiss this season?  Can we at least have sex?

3. How to hug while pretending to be straight.

Kelvin: No, your head goes...

Keefe: I think I put my right here...

Kelvin: My hand goes on your, on your waist...hey, are you aroused?

Keefe: No..a little...ok, a lot.

Kelvin: Move your thigh over, there...your hand goes here...dude, I told you to research how straight guys hug

4. Ready for another random hunk?

5. Nobody is that good an actor, Kelvin.

6. Eli should have known that this would happen

Eli: Remember, when the new converts walk on stage, Judy hugs the men, and you hug the women.

Kelvin: No problem, Daddy, I can handle that.  Here comes the first....eww....Judy, stop laughing...eww....eww

Eli: Game change.  Kelvin, you take the men.

Kelvin: Oh, thank God!

More closeted Kelvin after the break

7. Kelvin got his makeup set, now where's my Easy-Bake Oven?

8. Keefe is good in other rooms of the house, too

9. His dick is easy to find

 Kelvin: Dang it, I keep hitting his forehead!  Keefe, do you mind if I express my love some way besides kissing?  I can never find your mouth, but I can find your dick ok.

10. Joe Canoli

No idea who that is.  Looks like a 1950s physique model

11. Kelvin has always dressed femme, girlfriend.

12. No, this is not Brad Pitt

See also: Brad Pitt: Nice abs, but Adam has a bigger cock

 Gemstones Season 3 Memes, Part 1: Dildos, dicks, that nice Satanist boy, and waffles after sex

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