Oct 18, 2020

The Fundamentalist Beefcake of "Pass the Light"


Why does Amazon Prime keep thinking that "I'll like" fundamentalist films?

"Pass the Light follows a 17-year old student Steve (Cameron Palatas) who runs for congress because he is disturbed by the message of hatred and intolerance espoused by popular candidate Franklin Bauman. Steve and his friends start a campaign called Pass the Light in order to unite the community and spread the message of tolerance and love."

I'm pretty suer that "hatred and intolerance" means "supporting equal rights for LGBT people," and the :message of tolerance and love" means "tolerating and loving homophobes."

Steve is attending Northfield Christian Academy in eastern Illinois, although the "Skeeter in the Morning" radio program gets calls from Moline, on the other side of the state, and it's very bright and sunny all the time.   Everybody at the school is bright and eager, smiling that brainwashed "I want to eat you" smile, and very, very shiny.  They're all perfect in every way, but Steve is more perfect than the rest -- he spends his time volunteering at a Christian homeless shelter, praying, buddy-bonding with his football teammates, praying, advising hot girls about staying pure until marriage, and praying, all while smiling, smiling, smiling, smiling.

I really want to punch him in the face.. 

Enter Franklin Bauman, who is running for Congress on a "send all the fornicators and homa-sekshuls into exile" platform.   Where, exactly, will he exile them to?  Kick them out of the state?  Is that legal, even under the Trump Adminstration?  Maybe he wants to restore the sodomy and fornication laws, and send them to prison?  

Steve and his friends believe that this is contrary to the true message of Christianity.  You are supposed to "witness" to the sinners, demonstrate that you were experiencing ecstatic happiness all the time, while the fornicators and homa-seksuls are living with endless guilt, shame, and despair.  They will then ask how they can get happiness like yours, and you can lead them to Jesus.   How can that happen if the fornicators and homa-seksuls are in prison, or running away because you are screaming at them?  

Steve discovers that Trevor (Lawrence Saint-Victor), who runs the Christian homeless shelter, is a homa-seksul, but won't go to church because he's afraid of getting screamed at rather than witnessed to. 

 That's it!  The last straw!  He's got to stop the only Christian in the state who screams at fornicators and homa-seksuls!

But Franklin is running unopposed.  So Steve runs on a ticket of "loving the sinner, being nice to them, inviting them to parties, pretending not to be disgusted by their lifestyle," and gets everyone in the school to work on his campaign.  They make t-shirts, pass out fliers, and smile -- a lot of smiling.  And he wins by a landslide (naturally).

Oddly, I did a post about Cameron Palatas a few years ago.  He has no qualms about posting hot beefcake photos to his Facebook and Twitter pages.  He doesn't actually hate gay people -- he just thinks they are ridiculous.  How stupid does a guy have to be to decide to do it with another guy, when there are so many hot girls around?  Ridiculous! 

See: Stay Away from this Disney Channel Hunk

Dalpre Grayer, who plays Steve's best friend, is a bit less forthcoming with the beefcake photos.

But Charlie DePew, who plays Wes (the guy the hot girl is fornicating with), has lots.  He also is a bit more gay-friendly, joking that "Henry Cavill turned me gay."

And let's not forget Lou Wegner ("Calvin"), an animal rights activist with a most excellent physique.


  1. Palatas is a cute boy on Instagram he calls himself a scientist- and there are plenty of shots of him shirtless, staring at sunsets, some girls and some brobonding shots- so who knows?

  2. I'll pass the light, but you have to catch it.

    How does a 17-year-old run for Congress, anyway?

  3. The minimum age to run for the U.S. Senate is 30. House is 25. Illinois House or Senate is 21. School board member is 18. This movie is not exactly realistic.


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