Mar 21, 2023

Heterosexism and Gay Erasure on Netflix at 4:00 AM

 For all the increased representation of LGBT persons in contemporary media, most tv shows and movies continue to promote universal heterosexual desire,  Sometimes it's a matter of amnesia: the showrunners simply forget that LGBT people exist.  Sometimes they figure that LGBT people are "too controversial" for prime time.  And sometimes they exercise artistic license, thinking "It's my universe -- why should I include people I hate?"  I investigated this phenomenon on the list of "New Releases" on Netflix, excluding game shows, documentaries, and reality tv.

1. IWGP, a "gritty" Japanese drama: a carefree guy having fun in Tokyo gets involved with a murder case.  In later episodes he infiltrates a pyramid scene, investigates a kidnapping, and becomes a bodyguard.  No girlfriends mentioned, so maybe it's ok.

 Episode 1, Scene 1: the carefree guy is in a restroom stall, masturbating to pictures of naked girls.  That was fast!  Next

2. Luther: The Fallen Sun.  A disgraced former cop (does any other kind appear in these things:), haunted by a murder gets involved with the hunt for a sadistic serial killer (does any other kind appear in these things?).  The promo shows the disgraced former cop and his lady friend walking across ice.  Next!

3. You: The fourth season of an impossible-to-google  tale of a stalker (Penn Badgley, top photo, I think) whose victims fall in love with him, or something.  Might as well give it a try.

Ugh! The recap prior to Episode 1 shows 8,300 men and women swallowing each others' tongues in tight closeups.  Next!

4. Have a Nice Day: A retired radio dj bags groceries to earn enough money to attend his former employer's anniversary party, where he hopes to reunite with the Love of His Life."  Since when do you have to pay when you're invited to a party?  And couldn't he just send her a text?   

I'm assuming that the Love is a woman, but on the off chance, I check Decider. There are two hetero-romances going on!  Next!

5. Faraway
, a "heartfelt" comedy about a middle-aged woman who moves to "faraway" Croatia to meet the Man of Her Dreams.  The promo shows two local guys, maybe a father and son, commenting on how incredibly sexy she is.  Next!

6. Student of the Year:
An Indian movie about two high school boys (who look around 35) competing to win the Girl of Their Dreams.  Yawn.  Why is it always a competition?  Just ask a girl out, and if she says no, go on to the next one.  There are plenty out there.

7. Do Your Worst: A South African actress with problems.  In the promo, she is shown in bed with another woman.  Are they lovers, or is it common in South Africa to share your bed with buds?

Research reveals that they're friends, competitors over acting jobs and boyfriends.

8. Jolly Roger: A film noir from Nigeria.  The promo shows a man in bed with a woman, and then shooting someone.  "Let's get his hetero identity out of the way right from the start!" Next!

9. Love to Hate You: A lady attorney who hates men falls for a male actor who hates women.  Let the fighting-flirting begin!  Next!

Enough is enough.  I'll move on to Hulu.

10. Freakish:
High school kids on Saturday detention fight zombies, so Breakfast Club meets The Walking Dead.

No promo.  I'll just start with Episode 1.  A high school boy (maybe Leo Howard?) arrives at Saturday detention.  The monitor wonders why he's there: he's not on the list.  He glances back at the Girl of His Dreams.  The monitor breaks into a huge grin, agrees that she is incredibly sexy (inappropriate for a teacher, dude!) and effusively congratulates him on being heterosexual.  

I don't get it.  If everyone in this world is heterosexual, why is the monitor so overjoyed to discover that this kid is heterosexual?  

I shoulda stayed in bed.

1 comment:

  1. Not surprise about the lack of gay content- why should the studios even bother to produce them when even the gay audience doesn't support them- look at "Bros"


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