
Jul 22, 2018

Shane Haboucha

 Shane Haboucha got off to a heterosexist start.  In the music video "Stacey's Mom," the 13-year old played a kid obsessed with the breasts of his school friend's mother.

Nothing for gay boys to like in that, except maybe the pubescent beefcake.

His exposure led to guest shots on Bernie Mac, Oliver Beane, That's So Raven, and CSI, plus a recurring role on Everwood (2004-2005).

Mostly girl-crazy characters, even in the gay-friendly Everwood.  Indeed, Bernie Mac was quite homophobic.   (in a promo, Bernie discovers that his nephew likes girls, and shouts "My boy's normal!").

But there were also gay-positive roles.Thee OC episode "The Secret" (2003), about a boy with a gay dad.

On CSI (2005), Shane played a gay-vague boy victimized by a pedophile.

On Without a Trace (2005), he played a gay-vague boy who plans to bomb his school.  The school bullies torture him so he'll reveal its location.

Desperation (2006), based on a Stephen King novel, gave Shane some homoromantic moments.  When his friend Brian (Darren Victoria) is hit by a car and suffers brain damage, David Carver (Shane) prays for his healing, and offers himself to God as a substitute sacrifice. Immediately after, he and his parents are captured by the demonic sheriff of a ghost town.  Brian recovers.  David saves the day.

Shane's last acting role listed on imdb is in 2013.  IMDB also says that he graduated from Loyola Marymount University in 2014, and now lives in Irvine, California.

He hasn't updated his facebook or twitter accounts since 2013, but here's a recent photo.


  1. Is he gay in real life? I imagine that since he's going to a Catholic college, probably not.

  2. Apparently Mr. Anonymous has never been to a Catholic college.

  3. I remember when that song came out. I had weird ideas about what was going on. There was a weird epidemic of women sleeping with their sons' friends just so they could be the cool mom.

    If you were born before 1990, your mom just ordered pizza and let you stay up past midnight. Unless her dad was Senator Schmitz. (R-Orange County)

    1. I never heard of that in real life, but it's a common trope in mass media. Generally a character who has sex with 15 women per day recounts that he is so masculine that his first sexual experience as at age 8, with his friend's mom, housekeeper, teacher, or babysitter. Everyone is awestricken and complements him on his virility.


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