
Aug 2, 2020

Desperatetly Seeking "Anima e Sangue"

Anima e Sangue (Spirit and Blood), an Italian tv series on Amazon Prime, is impossible to research because searches are clogged with  references to another Anima e Sangre, apparently a movie about the Italian painter Caravaggio,

So all I know a brief plot  description on Amazon: "Peter Pan, the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz, Cyrano de Bergerac, and other characters are trrapped in our world.  The mysterious Sariel offers to send them home, but first they must find the Shaper."

The Shaper, the Great and Powerful?

I also have a list of characters.  Not one of them has a photo on IMDB.  Maybe there are some beefcake shots elsewhere?

1. Peter Pan (Perla Ambrossini) has been changed into a girl.  IMDB won't tell me who played him as a boy.

2.  Oz (Paolo Grossi),.  Google Images doesn't believe that any actor named Paulo Grossi exists, but it does offer 3,000 images of a judge named Paulo Grossi, 87 years old the president of the Constitutional Court and the author of many books, including The Medieval Judicial System.

It also gives me Paolo Ciavaro as a substitute.  You'd probably prefer a picture of him.

3. Cyrano de Bergerac (Marco Maccieri).  Lots of photos of him.  Remember, though, Cyrano was the ugly one.

4. Orlando (Daniele Locci), from the Renaissance epic Orlando Furioso.  Did he really play a Thai dancer?

5-6.  Two Spartans (Federico Rubino, left, Mattia Stancanelli, top).  At least they had some beefcake photos on their Facebook pages.

7. Pan (Spirito) must be the Greek god.  Played by Enea Barozzi. who starred in The New Pope.

8. Jack (Ludovico D'Agostino).  Maybe Jack from the Beanstalk?  He seems to be one of these actors from I Tre Precessi di Oscar Wilde (The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde), which may be a ballet.

The premise sounds interesting, but after all this mostly fruitless research, I think I'll just stick to the beefcake photos.


  1. Sounds like someone googled random classic characters and threw them into his First Draft software

  2. I have been informed that Pan (Spirito) is not the Greek god Pan, but Peter Pan as a ghost. So he gets to be both a ghost and a girl at the same time. Interesting.

    1. I haven't seen the series yet, but since I like Greek mythology, children's literature, and ghosts, I did a little research. The actor who played Pan (Spirito) is Ennea Borozzi. He's apparently done a lot of things. He's on instagram, facebook, and youtube.

  3. I did find a log about Ennea Borozzi, including a lot of photos of same-sex hugging, and maybe a movie where he plays a gay kid, although he's not the star. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be any Greek myth -- Pan (Spirito) is the ghost of Peter Pan. There are also characterss I couldn't identify, such as Khan (Genghis Khan), Il Creature (Frankenstein's Monster?), and La Burattinaia


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