
Aug 3, 2020

"Get Even": Riverdale Light

Didn't we just see a Mexican tv series about  students in a posh high school being blackmailed by a baddie who knows all their secrets?  Get Even seems to be a clone, except now the secret-revealers are the good guys.  Or rather, as the first line states, "I don't know if we're victims or villains."

Scene 1: Girl rides her bike through a quaint English village to a huge Gothic high school with its own flag.  At a start-of-school assembly, we are introduced to the main players:
Narrator (Asian) had a lot to prove
Olivia (white, blond hair) wanted her secrets to stay secret
Margot (black) wanted to survive
Bree (white, black hair) wanted the world to think it couldn't hurt her

Two rugby players, Rex and Romy, introduce a video praising the beloved Coach Creed (Jack Dergas, top photo).  But suddenly a new video plays, of the Coach humiliating his players: "You disgust me!  You're pathetic!  Pathetic!  Pathetic!"  And they can't turn it off!

The abusive coach has been revealed, courtesy, of DGM (Don't Get Mad).  The students all cheer.  That was fun.  I had several abusive teachers and coaches in school that I'd like to see get their comeuppance.

Scene 2:  On the roof, the DGM girls discuss their latest victory: another nogoodnik bites the dust.  They go their separate ways: they're not friends. They don't hang out.  The come together only for vengeance.

Scene 3: At soccer practice, Narrator listens to the girls speculate about who DGM is.  They assume a single guy, like Zorro.  There's also a party tonight, "the party of the year," even though it's only the first day of the term.

Meanwhile, Margot (the one who wants to survive) talks to fellow outsider Ed (Dylan Brady, left, playing a gay character on Coronation Street).  She has to pick an extracurricular.  He suggests Debate Club, but she's not into people or talking.

Scene 4: Bree (the one who wants the world to think it can't hurt her) listens at the door as the Coach is suspended.  Next, the Headmaster asks why she's skipping class. Her father's hefty contributions don't excuse her from everything; she has to at least show up, or she will be expelled.

Outside, Bree and fellow slacker John discuss how lame school is.

Scene 5:  In a mansion, Olivia (the one with secrets) and her friend are putting on makeup, flirting ("You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!), and discussing their boyfriends, Rex from Scene 1 and Donte, who have been acting weird.

Ok, we have the girls'  personalities, and we've met their boyfriends, except for one who has a secret girlfriend. Let's get on with the story.

Scene 6: Whoops, one girl left.  In an awful rowhouse, Narrator is looking at her wall-full of trophies and awards, and her overbrimming calendar of activities.  The girl is busy!  She talks to her family (Dad, Mom, Sister). They give her permission to take a break from her 15 extra-credit projects, 18 extracurriculars, and memorizing the biographies of 300 college admission committee members to make a brief appearance at the party.

Narrator arrives at the party.  Kids dancing, drinking, taking selfies, playing foosball. Seems rather tame -- this ain't Riverdale!  She nods or waves to all the characters introduced so far, and zeroes in on Mika, the hostess. They discuss romantic prospects. Ronny from Scene 1 wants to hang out with Mika, but she gets nervous around boys, so Narrator promises to stay with her.

Bree and fellow slacker John gape at hot hunk Logan (Kit Clarke), "a solid 8 out of 10."  I'm not sure, but I think they both like him.

Scene 7: Margot is in her room, playing six video games at once on her row of computers and eavesdropping on party guests.

Back at the party, they're now in the indoor pool (no beefcake) discussing whether John and Bree are DGM.  Donte, the boyfriend of Olivia (the one with secrets, like being a lesbian) is not into a party (too fake), so he and Narrator decide to get takeaway (food to go) and call it a night.  Olivia sees them leave together.  Drama!

Time for something BIG to happen.  A sexual assault?  A drug overdose?  A masked killer?

Scene 8:  Bree and fellow slacker John head home.  If they turn out to be a couple, I'll be mad.

She goes in the house with a "bye!"  He gazes longingly.  In love, stuck in the friend zone, got it.  No gay guys here, just a secret lesbian.

Scene 9: Morning.  Narrator arrives at school to see everyone checking their smartphones and gossipping furiously. Ronny stole a sexy photo of Mika (last night's hostess) from her phone and posted it on the internet for everyone to laugh at.  Mika blames Narrator for leaving her alone, even though she gets nervous around boys.

Ok, DGM powers, activate!

Scene 10: Soccer  practice.  Narrator doesn't make team captain. She's upset -- how will she ever get into Oxford?

At the horrible rowhouse, the family eagerly awaits the news: Did you make team captain, or have you destroyed all of our lives forever?  Of course she lies and says she made it.  Sister, who is negotiating her own "Get an A-, and we will disown you!" nightmare, seems suspicious.

Narrator goes to her room and tears down her wall-full of appointments for the week.  It's all useless now!

Scene 11:  Taking a momentary break from feeling sorry for herself, Narrator sends out the bat-signal to the rest of the DGM squad.  They drop what they are doing and rush to headquarters.

They usually wait six weeks between capers, but Mika's photo is too important. Time to destroy Ronny!  They link hands and recite their superfriends pledge: "We don't get mad -- we get even!"  The end.

Huh?  I was expecting a murder.

Beefcake: None.  There are some hot guys in the cast.

Other Sights:  The school looks like a medieval castle.

Gay Characters: Olivia is obviously a lesbian.  Some same-sex couples,both male and female,visible at the party.

Heterosexism:  Not even a kiss. It's rather interesting to see girls who are "shy around boys," when across the pond in Riverdale, girls the same age spend half their time having sex and the other half performing pole dancing.

Plot:  Ham-handed character development. Too much teen angst, not enough gettng revenge.  There should have been at least three revenge plotlines in the first episode, to whet the audience interest.  Then spread out the girls' backstories instead of just dumping it all at once.

Will I Keep Watching: Probably.  I want to know what other revenge schemes the Super Friends come up with. Maybe they'll chain Ronny naked in the hot tub. Oh, wait -- they already did that on Riverdale.


  1. Jack Derges is cute and seems to be shirtless in every show or movie he is in.

  2. I was searching for gay film on Amazon Prime and I picked "Hide Your Smiling Faces" (2013) which is not really gay but an arthouse drama about brothers dealing with life. The teen boys wrestle and go swimming not much happens. Nathan Varnson who plays the older has star potential.

  3. iT'S a drama about two brothers dealing with death. I don't watch sad movies, but generally the fraternal bond precludes a gay subtext.

  4. That was my point there is nothing gay about the film- not even the wresting scene


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