
Jan 5, 2022

"Grand Crew": A Group of Friends Faces Homophobic Panic in a Gay-Free Silverlake

Grand Crew:
a group of five friends hang out while looking for love.  The shtick is: they're black.  I wonder if they can be divided into Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, and company.  More importantly, I wonder if one of the friends is gay.

Scene 1: The Crew in a bar, four men and a woman (I like those odds!).  Noah  (Echo Kellum) gets smooched by the waitress.  The others disapprove, but he claims that this time he's really in love.  They scoff: you've been in love 300 times this year alone.  Meanwhile, Wyatt (Justin Cunningham) invites them all to his eighth wedding anniversary party with his "queen."  Noah's sister states that she has a Tinder date later, and expects things to get "moist."

So, three of the five Friends have expressed heterosexual desire already. This is looking dicey.

Scene 2: Noah and his girlfriend in bed, congratulating each other on how great the sex was.  When she goes to the bathroom, he texts the Crew that he's going to propose.  They think he's crazy.

Meanwhile, the Vegan (Aaron Jenkins) criticizes his muscular boyfriend or roommate (Carl Tart for changing all the Netflix titles to Japanese, and drinking all of the kombucha.  

Meanwhile, Sister goes on her date.  He's hot and all, but he says "Thanks, Obama" in a disapproving way, as if he's Republican!

Scene 3:  Later that night, Noah decides to propose to her girlfriend.  She refuses!

The next day, the Crew complains that they can't meet at their favorite bar anymore.  Also, that Noah is going to overreact to the breakup, like he has the previous 300 times this year.

Scene 4: Vegan's apartment, which has a view of the Griffith Observatory. Hot Roommate criticizes Vegan buying the wrong kind of toilet paper; Vegan criticizes him for not having a job.  Romantic partners would not take turns buying toilet paper; I'm going for roommates.

Scene 5:  Noah sees his ex-girlfriend's face everywhere, on the weather lady; on a lady eating a hero on a park bench; at the gym (on a guy!  he realizes with disgust).

Scene 6: Sunset Junction, Silverlake.  Hey, that's an iconic gay neighborhood! The 8th Anniversary party.  Weird -- other than the Crew, all of their friends are white.  Wyatt and his wife pressure Noah into flirting. Vegan and Hot Roommate/Boy friend argue and break up.  Sister asks "What the bleep just happened?'

Scene 7: Noah smooches with the girl he met at the anniversay party.  Suddenly he gets a text from the ex and rushes off.

Scene 8: The Crew tries a new bar. Noah reveals that he had sex last night, and they all cheer.  But it wasn't with the new girl -- it was with his ex!  Uh-oh, the new bar turns out to be gay!  The Crew is overcome with disgust.

Scene 9: Vegan and Hot Roommate/Boyfriend argue, and get into a slap-boxing match.  They reconcile, and hug. They discuss how they ended up living together.  Roommates!

Scene 10:  Sister and Hot Date in his apartment.  There are Republican elephants everywhere, plus conservative books, plus a picture of Hot Date shaking hands with George W. Bush!  "Are you a Republican?  But you seem so normal!"  His opinion on abortion has her "noping" out of there!

Scene 11:  Noah and ex-girlfriend saying goodbye after sex.  They decided to play it chill and hook up with other people.  But at the last minute, he changes his mind.  He can't do hookups.  Due to his dad's emotional barrenness after his mom died, he's into commitment.

Scene 12: The Crew tries yet another bar. The end.

No.  I couldn't even find beefcake photos of the cast online, except for Brandon Gardner, who plays the bartender at the gay bar.

Gay Characters: No.

Gay Teases:  Vegan and Hot Roommate, who don't get outed as just roommates until the last scene.  Having Wyatt and his wife live in Sunset Junction, which is actually 99% gay.

Homophobic Reactions: 2

My Grade: D

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