Along with some of her fellow clones and allies, Sarah founds the Clone Club and tries to discover the sinister reason for her creation, while trying to avoid capture by the evil Neolutionists and assassination by an anti-clone hate group, the Prolethians.
In case that's not enough mythology for you, there are also Castor clones, with suspect motives, secret government installations in Finland, secret alliances, mistaken identities. Sarah has a daughter, the only known offspring of a clone, drawing the attention of even more nefarious corporations, mad scientists, and clone liberation groups.
Oh, and Sarah has taken the identity of her clone Beth, a police officer, so there are police cases to deal with, plus druggie ex-boyfriends and miscellaneous scalawags.
Felix (Jordan Gavaris, left), Sarah's foster brother, is a street kid, hustler, wannabe artist, and gay. He doesn't have a lot of romantic interaction, although he does date the transman clone Tony (Tatiana Manslany).
There is also a lesbian clone, Cosima (also Tatiana Manslany -- these are clones, so one actor plays several characters). A graduate student at the University of Minnesota, she dates several women through the course of the series.

1. Ari Millen (top photo) as the evil Prolethian Mark Rollins and several other clones.
2. Jordan Gavaris
3. Dylan Bruce as Paul Dierden. When Sarah takes on Beth's identity, she has to deal with Paul, Beth's boyfriend and monitor.
4. Kevin Hanchard as Art Bell, Beth's police partner.
5. Michael Mando (left) as Vic, Sarah's drug-dealing ex-boyfriend.
6. Josh Vokey as Cosima's classmate at the University of Minnesota, who eventually joins the Scoobies.
7. Kristian Bruun as Donnie, husband of the clone Allison (Tatiana Manslany).
8. Justin Chatwin as Donnie's drug supplier.
9. Michiel Huisman as Cal, Sarah's ex-boyfriend and the father of her daughter.
10. Daniel Kash as Tomas. It would take too long to explain.
In the U.S., Orphan Black airs on BBC America.
I just love that they named a character after my favorite conspiracy theorist.