Jul 3, 2024

"Muscle & Fitness": Searching for the Kelvin cover, with Weatherford's butt and Lesner's dick


In Righteous Gemstones Episode 2.5, the flashback to 1993, four-year old Kelvin has a cover of Muscle & Fitness on the wall of his room.  

Not this one featuring Steve Weatherford, top photo, who shows his butt on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends

I never heard of him before, but apparently he's famous. 

You can only see it for a second before Judy turns off the light. Notice that it's positioned very low, at Kelvin's height.  

Being a research fan, I looked through the entire Muscle & Fitness cover gallery to find the issue chosen by the set dresser.  Notice that it shows a man with very short hair, arms akimbo.

I worked at Muscle & Fitness in the 1990s.  Joe Weider was extremely homophobic, worried about gay men reading our magazine, so almost every cover featured a man and a woman together.  A number featured just women.  The only male-only covers during my four years at Muscle and Fitness featured a celebrity, usually Arnold Schwarzenegger, but sometimes Lou Ferrigno or a sports figure.

There were a few non-celebrity male covers later, like this one from October 1997, too late for the 1993 flashback, and not the right cover anyway.

More after the break

This is from April 1998.  Close, but still not the right cover.

June 2007?  Short hair, arms akimbo, red trunks.   The guy in the photo is cut off at the abs.

A 2013 cover featuring wrestler Brock Lesnar, which gives me a reason to show his cock on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends

I never heard of this guy before, but his wikipedia entry is like 20 pages long. Apparently he uses homophobic slurs and notes his dislike of gay people. 

The wrong cover again, but at least it has Kelvin's motto: "Bigger, stronger, faster, saved." 

Apparently the prop department had a fake cover made up, to demonstrate Kelvin's interest in musclemen.

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