Mar 6, 2025

David Faustino: Bud from "Married..with Children" is star-ving, humiliated, nekkid, and a gay ally


Everybody in West Hollywood watched Married..with Children (1987-1997) for its savage skewering of the heterosexist trajectory of job, house, wife, kids.  Al Bundy (Ed O'Neill, later patriarch Jay of Modern Family) is working at a soul-destroying minimum-wage job and, although he likes women in general, hates having s*x with Peg (Katie Sagal, later Leela on Futurama), a housewife who never cooks or cleans (although the house is always spotless).  His daughter Kelly (Christina Applegate) is constantly lambasted for being a "slut," and his son Bud (David Faustino), for being a "virgin."

Gay people only appeared in one or two episodes, always with a "har-har, they're gay!  Isn't that ridiculous!" comedic edge.  

But at least they weren't sleazoid serial killers.

When David began to bulk up, the writers obliged by making him extremely attractive, but still unable to acquire girls due to his abrasive personality.

After Married, David played a gay character in Get Your Stuff (2000), about a gay couple wanting to adopt a baby as a fashion accessory, and instead getting preteen brothers.  According to the trailer, there are a lot of jokes about the dads accidentally getting n*ked and the boys trying to get with a hot older woman.

In Killer Bud (2001): two down-and-out buds (David, Corin Nemec) try to burglarize a convenience store.  My first Faustino profile said that he played a gay character, but I can't see it in the synopsis.

Inn Ten Attitudes (2001), he played "himself," not gay but on the gay dating circuit (for a sleazy reason).

In 2008 he was cast as the lead in The Gay Robot, a pilot for a tv series, a gay robot.  The project was never filmed, but the script might have been tweaked into the movie Robodoc (2009)

David hasn't played any specifically-identified gay characters since, but he often introduces gay subtexts deliberately into his work.

A lot of his movies feature stoner buddies, often David and Corin Nemec: Pucked, High Hopes, Puff Puff Pass, The Hustle, Not another B Movie.

In his web series Star-Ving (2009), he plays"himself" as a has-been, starving actor whose only source of income is a sleazy video shop.  There are cameos from various actors with a sleazy reputation, including Seth Green, Coolio, Ron Jeremy, and Kato Kaelin. 

There is a again a deliberate gay subtext in his relationship with Nemec, and a lot of backside shots, mostly an attempt to humiliate David or demonstrate how "ugly" he is. 

Here he wakes up after a night of debauchery with Ron Jeremy and some ladies.

More after the break

No d*ck, just an occasional shot of David in his underwear, with what may or may not be an enhanced bulge.

The photo on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends couldn't be him.  No context, just showing up on the internet  as "David Faustino's d*ck."

There are more reliably accurate videos of Corin Nemec online, but who wants to see them? The man is grotesque.

Since 2009, David has appeared in a few tv series, such as Bad Samaritans (2013-14)

But his main work is in animation:

Dagur in Dreamworks: Dragons

Mako in The Legend of Korra

Helia in Winx Club

In real life, David is a "family man," with a wife and child.  He's a gay ally, a proud resident of West Hollywood, and very attractive. At 5'3", a member of the Short Guy Brigade.

But I still feel uncomfortable watching him, with his deliberately pronounced, well-studied aura of sleaze.

I sort of miss Bud Bundy.

Though I guess he was sleazy from the start

See also: H*ng Harvey: I hookup with the boyfriend of Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Modern Family: Gloria crushes on Adam,  Phil has a 3-way, and Matt Risch takes it off

Peter Scolari: Wacky inventor, gay dad, Tom Hanks' bosom buddy, and an ico of my childhood

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