Depression-Era pulps often invoked the unimaginably ancient and unimaginably decadent civilizations based vaguely on the Orient: the cities all warrened with harems, opium dens, dungeons, lairs, and oubliettes; the rulers all fat, bejeweled, and lecherous; the people childlike; the laws brutal; the religions by turns esoteric and superstitious: the distant past worlds of Hyperborea and Atlantis, the distant future world of Xiccarph, or the aging jungle-cities of Mars.

Often the outskirts of these unimaginably ancient cities were teaming with mighty-thewed, sword-wielding barbarians -- Henry Kuttner’s Elak, Clark Ashton Smith’s Tiglari, Robert E. Howard’s Conan, Brak, and Kull (played by Kevin Sorbo in the film version). Their plots usually involved a masculine/feminine colonizer/colonized myth, with the muscle man rescuing a naked woman from some effeminate, ruby-ringed satrap.

Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian spends his seventeen stories in Weird Tales rescuing the requisite naked woman and being betrayed by men, except in the only story set in his adolescence, “The Tower of the Elephant” (1933). About sixteen years old, a “tall, strongly made youth” with “broad, heavy shoulders, massive chest” and so on, Conan sneaks into the Tower of the Elephant with the hope of stealing a fabulous jewel hidden there. At this point, plot conventions decree that he find a naked woman. Instead, he finds a naked man.
An alien named Yag-kosha, elephant-headed but otherwise human, has been blinded, crippled, and imprisoned in the tower by an evil sorcerer. They become friendly, and Yag-kosha asks Conan to rescue him through the strange-sounding expedient of cutting out his heart. Conan never hesitates about killing monsters and enemies, but he will not kill a friend, and complies only when Yag-kosha assures him that he will not die. In fact, he uses the magic of the heart to take revenge on the evil sorcerer, and then, restored to his original strength and beauty, he jubilantly flies away to join his companions on his home planet.
This story is fascinating because it precisely mirrors the adventures of the adult Conan, only transformed from hetero-erotic to graphically homoerotic. In the shimmering tower, the adult Conan would find a female object of desire (naked, beautiful, benevolent) contrasted with a male threat (clothed, hideous, evil). However, the teenage Conan finds a male, both object of desire (naked, benevolent) and threat (blind, crippled, aged, with a hideous face “of nightmare and madness”). Then ritualized death and resurrection removes the threat, leaving only desire: Conan perceives the new Yag-kosha as beautiful.
Even the hints of heterosexual intimacy that the adult Conan often enjoys with the naked ladies he rescues are mirrored when the naked Yag-kosha gets to “know” Conan by caressing his chest and shoulders with his soft phallic trunk: “its touch was as light as a girl’s hand,” Howard tells us, suggesting a tender, gentle sexual congress. Conan’s desire here is for the male, a yearning for masculine intimacy that must be sublimated beyond all recognition among the adults in Cimmeria but can be expressed freely, with only a veneer of euphemism, during the paradox of youth.
I have not read the Conan books but have seen the movies- the first one with Arnold Schwarzenegger has a nasty homophobic gag
ReplyDeleteThe books are all collections of stories where Conan goes through life, fighting monsters and rescuing half-naked barbarian princesses who are desperate to have sex with him.
DeleteI'm sure there are some fan fiction in which he ends up with hot prince he saves
DeleteProbably. Or a pastiche. Conan pastiches were almost cliché in the 80s.
DeleteI was thinking about this and I just realized, in a modern retelling of Den (a fairly cerebral Conan pastiche from the 70s where there are no sex and nudity taboos; Den himself is usually naked and they show everything) everyone would probably be bi. Kath (his love interest who, being from Victorian England, is more prudish and becomes the writer's straw man about monogamy) would most likely still be a woman tho, so I can only give half-credit to my imagination.