Dec 4, 2024

10 Gay Things You Didn't Know about "White Christmas"

1. White Christmas is not about Christmas.  It's a backstage musical that just happens to end at Christmastime.  Backstage movies were well-known for gay subtexts.

2. The songs are by Irving Berlin, who looked good in a swimsuit.

3. It's about two showbiz partners, Bob and Phil (Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye), who find their relationship threatened by women.

4. The women, Judy and Betty (Vera-Ellen, Rosemary Clooney), are sisters.  At least, they perform as sisters, although their numbers would work well in a drag act.

God help the mister who comes between me and my sister
And God help the sister who comes between me and my man!

5. Bob and Phil perform as "sisters," too.

6. Rosemary Clooney was a gay icon and reputedly bisexual.

7. Early in his career, Bing Crosby was the roommate of gay jazz musician Bix Beiderbecke.

8. Danny Kaye was bisexual.  He had a long term romance with Sir Laurence Olivier.

9. He played gay fairy-tale writer Hans Christian Anderson, whose psychiatrist coined the word "homosexual."

10. John Brascia was in the cast as a "special dancer."  You can see his physique, and his bulge, in several numbers.  As far as I can determine, he didn't have any gay rumors.


  1. John Brascia died in 2003, at the age of 80. Youtube has dozens of videos of him dancing on tv and in the movies. According to Wikipedia, he was married 3 times & had 2 daughters.

  2. The hottest moments in the film- are provided by the very sexy Mr Brascia who not only was a terrific dancer but looked very hot in tight pants.

  3. "White Christmas" like most 1950's musical seems very gay now- not just the sisters song and the hot Mr Brascia but the relationship between Bing and Danny- who first brobond in the Army- and nothing makes you fall in love with a guy like saving his life

  4. The gayest Danny Kaye movie is "Hans Christian Anderson" in which Hans has a very close bond with his cute young apprentice Peter.

  5. I heard Hans Christian Andersen was a pedo (for girls). The reason the bad guy in Frozen is named for him.

    1. No, Anderson was gay. Fun fact: Hungarian psychiatrist Kartbeny invented the word "homosexuality" (homosexualitat in German) to describe his "condition."

  6. Hans Christian Andersen seems to have been a very unhappy bisexual who kept falling for people who were out of his league. He was not very attractive and seems to have a hard time finding love with anyone- a fact that is reflected in his fairy tales in which beautiful creatures like the Little Mermaid make terrible sacrifices.


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