Jul 26, 2024

"Chewing Gum": Alien Afro-British girl wants to get laid, but her Bible-thumping boyfriend is gay. With Kenyan cock


We've completely run out of tv programs to watch in the evening, so  last night we picked something at random from HBO recommendations: Chewing Gum, which doesn't involve anyone chewing gum. It's a two-season Britcom set in the Afro-British community.  

Tracey (Michaela Cole, who also wrote and starred in the 2012 play) lives in the estate (project, in the U.S.) with her street-preacher mother, who lambasts lesbian couples in the square, and younger sister, who rarely leaves the apartment because Satan is prowling out there. 

Her boyfriend of six years, Ronald (John MacMillan), is a Bible-waving super-fundamentalist who constantly criticizes her for being poor, illiterate, and "loose." They haven't even kissed yet.  Can you guess what the big reveal is?

Another big reveal: Due to makeup artistry or CGI, Tracey does not look human.  Her face protrudes too far, her eyes have that "Classic Gray" loook, and her mouth is distractingly huge.  No one comments on this in the first episode, but she only interacts with people she knows.  Maybe she'll be outed as an alien later. 


Tracey has another option, if she ever decides to dump Bible Boy:  Connor (Robert Lonsdale), a street poet who writes about existential angst while sitting on a dumpster, tries an awkward flirtation that starts with telling her that she looks like a slave, then backtracking that he meant it in a good way.

Tracey's best friend Candace, who disgustingly eats peanut butter by sticking her finger in the jar, has a sex problem, too: her boyfriend Aaron (Kadiff Kirwan) is boring in bed, being all gentle and talking about how much he respects her.  She wants it rough. 

But when she suggests livening things up, he doesn't understand: "I respect you.  Why would I want to treat you roughly?"

"It's ok... you make sex moans like a little girl."  That just makes him cry like a little girl.

Best friend Candace invites Tracey to the big estate party, but it's her anniversary with Bible Boy, so she is dead-set on getting into his pants.  She dresses as slutty as she can during dinner, and back at his apartment, while he's looking for a book on how to not be slutty, she strips down to her underwear.  He freaks out, runs out of the house, and starts yelling that she is a whore. "To think that I was going to take you as a wife. For my foolishness, may God strike me down!"  He is then struck by a car.  

Tracey calmly calls 999 and goes to the party, where she runs into dumpster poet Colin.  They start making out, but as an alien she has no idea what to do and licks his eyebrows, sucks on his nose, and sits on his face while fully clothed. 

Tracey's sister, who saw the party going on and rushed across the street to fight Satan, bursts into the room and sees them!  

The end.

: Two guys strip down to have sex with ladies.

Gay Characters:  Boy Tracey, a fruity guy dressed all in glitter, talks to the dumpster poet Connor at the party.  He only appears in one other episode, but he has sex with a bear BDSM bottom in that other one.

Bible Boy insists that he is straight throughout, in spite of a few hookups, only coming out in the last episode.

Will I Keep Watching
: Probably not. Two seasons of denial sounds excessive, and there are too many disgusting bits -- people feeding each other, slurping food off their fingers...gross.

See also: Gemstones Episode 1.6: Scott flirts, BJ is spanked, and Kelvin hooks up. With bonus Kenyan cock

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