Prelude: 2011: Jack (Dyllan Llewellan) and his Mum are watching tv when they get the news of Dad's passing. Shots of the two crying, cuddling, pushing their feet together, heads on shoulders, legs on laps.
Cringe intimacy you two have. Americans will perceive an incest subtext, but it's probably not intentional. Brits just like to treat their Mums as their lovers.Scene 1: 2013: Jack's first year at Uni. He can't get into the dorms, so the university moved him and "mature" 25-year old Danny into an off-campus shed. Mom is helping them decorate.
She gives Jack some Tupperware for his marijuana, although he doesn't use, and a live-laugh-love mobile so he can "live," "have some laughs with a girl," and "fall in love." So Mum is fine with marijuana, but you're not out? Surely she already knows.
When she leaves to help "erect a shelf" with her "big tool," Danny (Jon Pointing) gives Jack a bottle of lube -- they were two for one at Boots -- but he's not sure if backsides take a different kind. Jack isn't sure either, since he's never been with a guy before.
"Don't worry, I'll do some research. We'll have you sliding in and out of fit lads like Cantonia in the '96 cup." A football (soccer) match. Danny is a jock.
Scene 2: The Student Union Officer announces the "ca-razy" Brent Uni freshers fair, where the first-years try to find their fams. Older Jack, narrating: "Mostly it was second-year drug dealers trying to recruit new clients."
She tries to sell Jack on the Christian Union, which does a free roast on Sunday nights. Maybe not.
Roommate Danny points out the LGBTQAIA Student Union. Jack is afraid to approach, but Danny insists: "You can't be a little saddo all your life." Why did he make Jack his project?
"But what does the QAIA mean?"
"Queer, Asexual, Intersexed, Allies." Blimey, when a straight guy knows more than you do....
Uh-oh, Jack sees Yemi (Odisa Odele), the guy he was trying to make out with at the Fresher Mixer last episode. While they were kissing, his hair got caught in the guy's nose ring. They had to get the Faculty Advisor to cut them loose. Yemi tries to ignore him, but reconsiders (you think he's hot, or feel sorry for him?). He talks about about the various gay tribes: twink, bear, daddy, pos, otter, trans, and geek. Jack is obviously a geek.
They're all going clubbing in London tonight. Wanna come?
Meanwhile, Danny tries to pick up a woman at the Feminist Society table by pushing the free tampons and claiming to be interested in women writers.
Name two. Corinne, a lesbian, interrupts to point out the inconsistencies in his story, but it works: the woman he was cruising invites him to a pre-lash tonight (a private drinking party before you head to the clubs).
Scene 3: Roommate Danny wants Jack to skip the gay clubbing and go to the pre-lash with him, so they can meet some of their fellow students. They need mates on campus.
Danny is setting himself up as a mentor, but he needs a friend as much as Jack does. He must have some tragedies and pain in his background, to be revealed later.Montage of the two getting ready, Danny by working out so he's nicely swole, Jack by reading so he can have an intelligent conversation.
Uh-oh, the Security Guard, whose name is Ru Pal, stops them. Only dormitory residents and signed-in guests, no townies.
Ok, Danny insists that Jack go to the gay club after all, and he'll stay home, "cooped up like Anne Frank." Not quite the same thing, buddy.
Scene 4: Danny is sitting on a bench on campus, trying ineptly to start conversations with passersby, when Corinne, the lesbian from earlier, runs into him. They argue about feminism. Her back story: she was the only one in her friend group to get rejected by Oxford and Cambridge. This is her dull, mundane, state-university-type safety school, full of jocks and eejits. Wait -- they're doing "You're arrogant!" flirtation arguing. Is she actually a lesbian, or did I just assume because of her outfit and hair style?
Jack passes by on his way to the pick-up for the gay club, and invites them along.
Scene 5: "No way! They cannot come!" Yemi, Jack's mentor, yells. "Gays only!" But their driver says it's fine.
Older Jack, narrating: "It's scary going to your first gay club, 'cause the vast majority are called things like Savage, or Envy, or Revenge." What about Heaven?
At the club, Gordy's, the drag queen bouncer sizes up Danny: "Straight allies are welcome, but any funny business, f*cking around, laddy banter, any pretending to be Louis Spencer, and you're out!" Louis Spencer is King Charles' nephew, a 30-year old theatrical actor. I don't know what the drag queen is talking about.
Scene 6: Clubbers dancing, drinking, hugging, and whooping. Older Jack narrating: "In spite of being individual misfits, we spent the whole night together." So this series will be about the various problems of the friendship group.
Danny gets cruised by an obnoxious guy, but gets rid of him by claiming that he comes to London to visit his cousin in Wormwood Scrubs -- a prison.
I thought Obnoxious Guy was played by Gordon 'Gordy' Maxwell, to whom the episode is dedicated. There's a memorial article on the Minka Guides website, which describes him as a tv producer and a regular at the Sink the Pink Nightclub. Except he was over 40, and the episode aired in May 2022, several years after his death in December 2018. Wait -- the club is named "Gordy's." That's the homage.
More after the break.