Feb 5, 2025

Searching for Brandon Johnston through twins, Elves, fitness instructors, various n*de guys, and the Mayor of Chicago


Link to n*de dudes

I've been going through the posts on the RG Beefcake and Boyfriends site, trying to make them appeal to a general audience. I did it with Dillon B., and I couldn't even use his last name.  But Brandon Johnston turned out to be a problem: 

1. The original post called him  "Johnson."
2. It records his roles rather than titles of his projects: Elf Photo Clerk,  Valet, College Student 2, Audience Member, Golf Caddie Twin, and Genius Clone.  

A search for "Brandon Johnson" on the IMDB yielded this guy, known for Ingrid Goes West and Rick and Morty.  He's middle-aged and black.  My Brandon is young and white.

Although I wouldn't mind researching this Brandon next.

Googling revealed Brandon Johnson, the mayor of Chicago.  Probably not the same guy.

"Brandon Johnston"?  Nothing.

Searching on Facebook yielded 16,000 Brandon Johnsons/ Johnstons, including this fitness coach from Ogden Utah.  

How about "Brandon Johnson/Johnston" and "n*de"?  Warning: the first hit is a n*de lady. 

The second is Bryce Johnston, who must be famous for something, since celebrity websites gushed over a video of him skinny-dipping.

But when I googled "Bryce Johnston," all I found was the owner of the Philadelphia Eagles and the heavily tattooed Father Midnight.

The original post also mentions that Brandon Johnson/Johnston is interested in gay Hollywood History. 

"His Instagram videos tell the stories of many LGBTQ pioneers in the industry, such as Dorthy Arzner, William Haines, and James Whale."

More Brandon, probably, after the break

Success, maybe?  I found an Instagram account with a Brandon who looks like the one in these photos, and mentions an interest in gay history.

Problem: Wouldn't you expect someone who devotes his time to gay history to be gay himself?  

There are several dozen photos on this Instagram of Brandon vacationing with, wishing happy birthday to, going to a formal event with, swimming with, and variously hugging a lady. He doesn't specify the relationship, but doubtless she is his girlfriend.

So, a straight guy?  Or maybe he's bi, or maybe his girlfriend is trans, and he got into LGBT history that way.

Wait -- Genius Clone?   Golf Caddy Twin?  Searching for a Brandon with a twin brother revealed Brandon and Mitch Johnston and this photo. The twins and their boyfriends?  

And to the IMDB page for the right Brandon. 

Maybe the lady on his Instagram is a good buddy after all?

In case you want to conduct more research, here are his main movie/tv roles:

Girl Meets World: Genius Clone
7 Days to Vegas: Golf Caddy Twin
Dear White People: College Student #2
The People We Hate at Weddings: Elf Photo Clerk

Brandon has 300,000 followers on TikTok.  Now I'm embarrassed that it took so long to find him.  But I got some pecs and d*cks from the search, so who's complaining?


Bonus: Brandon Johnson, the Mayor of Chicago.  Sorry, he's straight.

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