And, whenever he could spare a moment, playing high-powered businessman types on Murder She Wrote, Hotel, Dynasty, Simon and Simon....
I didn't know that he had been in show biz for over 30 years. Or that his real name was Edson.
Born in 1929, Ed trained as a bodybuilder, actor, and singer, performing on stage in Shangri-La, Carousel, On the Town, and other plays before breaking into tv with guest shots on How to Marry a Millionaire, Sea Hunt, Lock-Up, and Men into Space.
He starred in two famous episodes of The Twilight Zone: "Eye of the Beholder", about a society where the idea of beauty is our "ugliness"; and "The Trade-Ins," in which an elderly couple shop for hot new bodies.
He starred in the military comedy McHale's Navy (1962-66), as Virgil Edwards, "the handsome lover boy of the crew" (according to Wikipedia; I've never seen it).

He appeared in Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961) as Prince Charming, and The Three Stooges in Orbit (1962), as romantic lead Captain Tom Andrews.
Not a lot of gay content, but you don't really need any when you spend all of your time hanging around gay men.
I assumed he was gay; he never said he wasn't.
When he died on June 18, 2011, his obituary stated that he was survived by Anita Winters and his two dogs, Eddie and Sugar Baby. I have no idea who Anita Winters is.