The curriculum is rather brutal: in Poisons class, some of the kids actually get poisoned to demonstrate how they work.
Meanwhile Marcus has the usual "poor kid in a snob school" hijinks, including a snarling enemy, a doofus best friend, romancing the Girl (who, of course, finds him "arrogant"), negotiating between feuding gangs, and avoiding being murdered as part of another student's final exam.
I don't know which made me more nauseous, the extreme violence or the constant girl-on-boy cruising. These girls are ludicrously horny. They act like stars in a porn movie, who pounce on any man who comes within 10 feet.
Or the racism. The school is stratified into rival gangs: the nerds, the preppies, the losers, and various racial minorities displaying their own stereotyped violence (black, Hispanic, and Asian). Marcus is half-Hispanic, so he doesn't know where he belongs.
I saw a little bit of reflection of heteronormativity in the outcasts, who don't really want to be killers, but were forced into the academy by their parents. When I was in high school, just a few years before 1986, boys had to pretend to be girl-crazy. Forget to stare, drool, and moan at the big breasts bouncing by, or to make a statement suggesting lack of interest, and your friends would simply not believe you. Your enemies would attack: "Fairy! Fag! Girl!"
But it's only a reflection. The producers envision a world where gay people do not exist. Two gay characters from the comic books have been erased. This series is about violence, cliques, and female horniness

2. Benedict Wong (right); I don't know who the boyfriend is)
3. Ryan Robbins as Rory, Marcus' first kill, a homeless guy who preys on other homeless guys.
4. Willie (Luke Tennie), Marcus's sidekick, a member of the First World Order gang. a black guy whose girlfriend is a neo-Nazi white supremacist. I guess she just likes him for one thing.
5. Billy (Liam James, left), son of a punk rocker and aspiring murderer.
6. Chico (Michel Duval), the snarling enemy, leader of the Soto Vatos. His girlfriend Maria kills him and starts dating Marcus.
7. Viktor (Sean Depner), a celebrity at the academy, the son of Joseph Stalin's top assassin (Stalin died in 1953, and this is 1988, so the dates sort of work out).
8. Juan (Juan Grey), a member of Maria's Soto Vatos.
9. Chester "Fuckface" (Tom Stevens), the Big Bad of a series about Big Bads in training.
10. Shabnam (Isaiah Lehtinen, left), portly, gay-coded, and a rich banker's son, three strikes against him, so he tries too hard to make friends.