Aug 31, 2024

Arabic and Class Rings: Cruising at West Point during my junior year of high school

Link to the nude photos

It's the beginning of my junior year in high school, time to register for the ACT and the SAT, the college entrance exams.  But my parents are vehemently opposed to the idea of college.

They can't afford it.

It's unnecessary -- I'm already smart enough to go to work in the factory.

It's un-Christian, full of Catholics and atheists.

But I've been insistent, littering the house with catalogs and brochures, and finally Dad gives in:  "Ok, you can go to college, as long as it's Olivet.  Or West Point."

A dull, Sunday school-like Bible  college on the prarie or the U.S. Military Academy?  "I understand why you want me to go to Olivet," I tell him, "But why West Point?"

"I'll tell you why: full tuition, room and board, plus a stipend.  All you have to do is sign up for five years of active duty afterwards."

"Five years in the Army!  That sounds awful!"

Dad's eyes narrow.  "I was in the Navy for four years.  It was the best time of my life.  A real man's world.  You don't know what real friends are until you've fought side by side."

"Um...a man's world?  Real friends?"  I imagine sitting in class surrounded by hunky collegiate athletes, the cream of the crop, the most muscular in America, stripping down next to them in the locker room, sleeping beside them in the dorms...  " I'm not big on military science.  I want to major in Arabic."

"They have Arabic," Dad says, leafing through the catalog.  "And Chinese.  You can major in both, if you're that into languages.  Plus, it's only an hour from Manhattan.  You like all that Broadway musical stuff, right?"

Arabic, Broadway musicals, and army hunks?  It wouldn't hurt to apply....

The application process begins during your junior year, with the SAT, a medical exam, and a physical fitness test: push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, a 400-yard dash, a mile run, and a basketball throw (you don't actually have to make a basket).

In April, I receive a letter stating that I've passed the first set of requirements.  Now I have to get a nomination from my Senator, Representative, or the President of the United States.

No problem: I already know Tom Railsback,  the representative from the 19th district for as long as I can remember.  He is a local boy, and a counterculture hero, having drafted the articles of impeachment against President Richard Nixon.

He says that there are four guys in the 19th district asking to be nominated, the most in a decade.

Just to be on the safe side, I approach our senator, Charles H. Percy, too, even though he's a Republican and I'm a staunch Democrat.

In June, my acceptance into the official applicant pool arrives.  Now I have to fill out some more forms, submit some letters attesting to my moral character, get a psychological evaluation, and come in for an interview.

 "More hoops to jump through, just to join the army!" I complain.  "You know, Olivet offered me a scholarship, and I'll bet I could get one at Augustana, too."

"Do they offer Arabic?" Dad asks. 

I keep silent and continue the application process.

The psychological evaluation is  administered by the school counselor: MMPI, with several questions designed to weed out the gay prospects, some blatant ("I am attracted to members of my own sex") and some keying into gay stereotypes ("I am closer to my mother than to my father.").

This actually comes as a relief.  I have not yet figured "it" out, and I am immersed in the homophobic Evangelical subculture.  I am literally afraid of gay men. If a feminine guy appears on tv, I leave the room..  No way could I go to any college that allows gays in!

Admissions interviews are being held in Chicago and Des Moines. but Dad insists that we go to West Point itself, so I can see how great it is.

In July, we leave Mom and my brother and sister visiting our family in Indiana, and drive out with my Uncle Paul: twelve hours on the highway, a very long trip even with the three of us sharing the driving.  Then a day at West Point, and another very long day driving back.

The campus is very beautiful, stately Gothic architecture on a bluff overlooking the Hudson River.  Some of the buildings date from the Revolutionary Era.

 But soon I notice some problems:

Arabic is no longer offered as a major.  You can take two years of classes while you major in something else.

The full story, with nude photos, some explicit, is on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends

"I Heart Arlo": Gay Alligator Boy in the Big City?


Arlo is a 15-year old alligator-boy who grew up in the swamps of Louisiana, but now lives in Seaside, New York.  He has a Southern accent that keeps slipping away, a penchant for bursting into song, the innocent joie-de-vivre of Spongebob Squarepants, and the friend-making obsession of Casper the Friendly Ghost.  Most of the episodes in I Heart Arlo (2021) involve Arlo trying to help a friend who is facing a crisis:

From left to right:

1. Alia, an irresponsbile tiger-girl, struggles to hold down a job.

2. Marcellus, a grumpy fish-man, tries to profit financially from other people's problems.

3. Tony, an Italian rat, doesn't want his parents to find out that he runs a pizza place instead of being a gangster.

4. Furnecia, a drag queen furball, is so stressed from working overtime at her hair salon that she begins losing her hair.

5. The giantess Bertie (not shown) wants "a room of her own," but every refuge she finds soon gets overrun by her friends.

Arlo also has problems of his own: he sheds his scales, causing his friends to think he is a ghost; he gets sick with "swamp itch"; he tries to relate to his estranged father, a wealthy bird-man (Vincent Rodriguez III of My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend).

Vincent Rodriguez III is gay, of course.  So are Michael Woodard (Arlo), Mary Lambert (Bertie), Jonathan Van Ness (Furlecia), and Ryan Crego (the executive producer).  

Their Seaside community is built on friendship and acceptance of nonconformity, gender and otherwise.  When Dad finds Arlo wearing a dress, his only concern is that he will need a new pet name.  How about "Pumpkin"?

In the episodes I watched, no one expressed any heterosexual interest.  Or any same-sex interest, for that matter.  Romance does not appear to exist in this world.

Some reviews have suggested that, in addition to the general acceptance of difference, Arlo is gay, and his earlier movie (Arlo the Alligator Boy) a coming-out story.  What about his lack of expressed same-sex interest?  They explain that he is a kid, too young to have sex.

I've heard that one before: boys can gaze in awe at the girl next door a decade or more before they hit puberty, but you can't be gay unless you are sexually active. It's nonsense.  Gay boys have crushes in kindergarten.   For a fictional character to be identified as gay, they have to say or do something that indicates an experience of same sex desire.  Arlo doesn't.

However, lots of kids are nonbinary, transgender, asexual, aromantic, or simply gender-noncomforming.  They can respond message of radical inclusion rather than alienation and rejection, regardless of whether Arlo actually dates anyone.

Aug 30, 2024

Daniel Cudmore: Colossus, Felix, fitness model, and the God of War. Plus his colossal Colossus cock.

Canadian actor Dan Cudmore has 51 credits on the IMDB, including Peter Rasputin, aka Colossus, in the X-Men franchise, Felix in the Twilight franchise, Jackhammer in Arrow, Gridlock in The Flash, and Behemoth Thing in Superman & Lois.

He specializes in superheroes and supervillains like Colossus, but he's done other projects.  I first saw him in Magicians, as the God of War.  Apprised that a gay-stereotype god called the Nameless is looking for something the other gods stole from him, he responds "I don't know what it is, but you have my permission to search my ball sack with your tongue."  Sure, that sounds like fun, I'd be happy to...oh, you're being homophobic.

I know he's just playing a character, but still, his homophobic quip left a bad taste in my mouth, so to speak.

His other projects include comedies like Fresh Off the Boat, romcoms like All of My Heart (as the romantic lead's friend who devotes his life to getting him laid, and horror like Rites of Passage, which appears to have a gay subtext -- not his. 

Also 14 stunt credits including Psych, The Predator, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

And a stunt cock at least once.

Some fitness modeling from early in his career

More Daniel after the break

Van Helsing: A single mom, a military guy, and some vampires face a zombie apocalypse


#5 in the new crop of paranormal tv shows on Netflix: Van Helsing.  You may recall that Van Helsing is the vampire hunter gunning for Dracula in many renditions of the myth.  Here a female Van faces a vampire apocalypse, where the fanged have taken over the world in wake of a supervolcano eruption.  Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me, either, so I'm starting with Episode 2, where we see the start of the apocalypse.

Scene 1: Seattle, 2016.  Men in suits crossing streets at high-speed, reminiscent of Koyaaniqatsi, "life out of balance."  Van getting blood drawn; the phlebotomist, Aidan Kahn, flirts with her, then asks her out.  She rejects him. You could do worse, girl.  Out in the waiting room, her preteen daughter is watching the news: a volcano has erupted in Wyoming. 

Uh-oh, turns out that Van is not giving blood, she's so desperate for money that she's selling it.

The phlebotomist brings the bags of Van Blood to the store room.  A vampire has broken in, and is emitting "feral growls."  But it doesn't attack him.  No fair!  A vampire story has to have somebody bitten on the neck!

Scene 2: The vampire sits in a car parked under the freeway, sniffing and slurping its blood bags. It pants, roars, and explodes!  So Van Helsing blood makes vampires explode?

Scene 3:
 A vampire Bigwig, Dmitri -- Paul Johansson -- tells his group that they have survived only because of the shadows.  But: "The mystery of existence is not only in staying alive, but in finding something to live for."  Wait, the last vampire was feral, like a zombie.  

Turns out that the exploding was a misdirection -- the feral vampire just threw up.  And the feral part was a misdirection, too.  He's perfectly civilized, just an addict.  He arrives with a metal suitcase, which contains "Everything you asked for," presumably blood, and complains that he's not feeling well.  They taste his blood: he's turning human!  

This has never happened before, but it is terrible news, a threat to all vampires, and must be stopped before it's too late.  Without apocalyptic urgency, be lousy story.

Dmitri comes close and hugs the courier with homoerotic tenderness, singing about how he is "my love, my family," but he's actually planning to eat him.  The vampire Balthezar is assigned to find the source of the tainted blood.

Scene 5: In a coffee shop, single Mom Van assures her daughter that the volcano is nothing to worry about, because it's "100 miles away in Wyoming."  Look at a map, writers -- more like 1,000.  Besides, they have a birthday party to get home for. Then why stop for coffee?

They point out the black ash falling outside the window

Scene 6: Back to their horrible, run-down apartment.  Next door neighbor Tommy is just leaving after beating up his girlfriend, who asks Vanessa to not say anything. But she decides to pummel him anyway.  Girl, with those pummelling skills, you could get a job as a bodyguard or bouncer easily.

Inside the apartment, they have what I guess is a touching mother-daughter romp. Deadbeat Dad Gary face-times them.  He's played by Kirby Morrow, who died in 2020 after a long struggle with alcohol addiction and mental illness.

Deadbeat Dad cancels Daughter's trip to visit him in Denver.  She notices a pink purse behind him, but doesn't conclude that he's secretly a drag queen.   Mom concludes that he's ditching his daughter for "a hookup with some random skank." While they are fighting, Daughter grabs her teddy bear and hides in the closet. 

The girlfriend from next door wants to hookup, but Van says it's Daughter's birthday, so no thanks.  Is there a point to any of this?

Daughter is still hiding in the closet.  Carrying the birthday cake, Van snoops around, looking for her The scene is choreographed like a psycho-slasher movie. 

Is Van going to turn vamp and kill her daughter?  No, Balthazar the Vampire has discovered that she has the tainted blood, and has come to kill her.  Their fight takes about five minutes of screen time.  I'm fast-forwarding.

Wait --Van is killed.  But I thought she was the star of the show?  

More after the break

Aug 29, 2024

Nhut Le: Gay activist, model, potter, superhero. With a Thai dick bonus


Link to Thai dick bonus

1. Vietnamese-American actor Nhut Le (pronounced "Nuh Lee") studied drama at the University of the Arts and honed his comedic skills in the Groundling.  

2, He has 15 credits on the IMDB, including several gay roles, such as Gay #2 on Los Feliz 90027.   

3. He wrote, produced, and starred in Gey Gardens (2018), a gay parody of the tv soap Gray Gardens

4. He played the Judomaster in 4 episodes of the Superhero comedy Peacemaker.  Judomaster is a mean-tempered, spiteful supervillain who is trounced by John Cena's Peacemaker.  

5. Nhu is also a writer, a gamer, and a potter.  

6. The bestsellers on 3CirclePotter, on Etsy, are a sweetheart mug and a ghost face mug.

7. He came to the 2017 San Diego Comics Con as Iceman.

8. Nhut is deeply involved in gay and Asian activism. In 2022, he presented on Diversity in Comics, TV, Film, and Games at Wondercon.

9. He is gay in real life, and currently single. 

10.  He has never been naked on screen, that I know of.  But there are lots of other naked Asian guys out there.

See also:

Aug 28, 2024

Walker Satterwhite: Sorry, no movie or tv reviews, just beefcake photos and a Ryan Cooper cock


Usually I review the movie or tv show, then look for beefcake photos of the cast.  But in this case I couldn't find the tv show.  It was Day 5, about an epidemic that kills you when you fall asleep.  So, apparently, people try to find ways to stay awake. 

Link to nude photos

Here focus characters Jake, a meth head turned hero (Jesse C. Boyd) and a kid from the neighborhood (Walker Satterwhite) jump into a swimming pool.

They also watch a porno starring the butt of Aaron Marcus

Pilot Aiden (Ryan Cooper) searches for the Sandman's Oasis, where sleep is possible,

Problem: I couldn't find the series. A google search for Day 5 led to Day 6, about the World Athletic Championships, or 6 Days, about a terrorist plot.  I had to search for "Day 5" and "Jesse C. Boyd" to determine that the series appeared on the Rooster Teeth website. Look, I already subscribe to Netflix, Vudu, Hulu, Disney Plus, MAX, and Amazon Prime,  That's enough

Another problem: Since 2016, neighborhood kid Ian Satterwhite has grown up.  He is now over 18, a high school graduate, buffed, and apparently gay.  At least, his Instagram shows him getting chummy with another guy -- a lot. 

I only post beefcake photos if they are connected to a movie or tv review (with an exception for Gemstone alums), so I checked Walker's projects on IMDB.

208 episodes of Junk Drawer Magic, where Walker and his buds show you "crazy tricks using things only from your junk drawer,"  Nope.

Wonderama, "the best in music, dance, DIY, and games for the entire family." Nope.

Schneck and Eck Crack the Case? The No Life Guys? OMG?  Ty the Pie Guy?

That's about it.  I guess I won't be able to post beefcake photos of Walker Satterwhite.  Sorry.

Just kidding.  There are more beefcake photos, plus some nudes, on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends

And beefcake photo collections:

Robert Oberst: Two Halloweens, five bulges, and the love of his life: 

Adam Devine: forehead presses, bulging drawers, and Kermit the Frog

Tony Cavalero: Fourth of July bulge, baby bulge, cock Keefe, donut Keefe

Skyler Gisondo: birthday cat, biceps, infinity shirt, and Liberace

Gavin Munn: Gavin with his dog, his boat, Skyler Gisondo, Robert Oberst, and his Dad.

Kelton Dumont: James Dean, Orson Wells, and Bam-Bam Rubble

Aug 26, 2024

Preacher: Tortured former thug and bi vampire compete for the Girl, search for God, show their butts and His dick


Another of the new paranormal shows on Netflix, with the standard Netflix one-word title: Preacher.  I've heard of this one: a bleak, gritty series about outcasts in an endless desert, some of whom are gods and demons?

Prologue: A baby in a spaceship zaps through an animated solar system, and lands in Chad, while The Preacher (Irugu Mutu), who wears a clerical collar although he seems to be evangelical,  says "Something's coming."  He  yells about the coming Battle Between Good and Evil.  But they're not afraid, because a Prophet has been foretold.  Then the baby-spaceship zaps into the church and explodes him.  I guess he wasn't the titular Preacher.

Scene 1: A guy covered in scars lies shirtless on the bed, while a little boy promises his daddy, The Preacher (Nathan Darrow, top photo), something that we don't hear, and the background song tells us that "It was the time of the preacher, when the story began. Of the choice of a lady and the love of a man."  That's horribly heterosexist.  Is the paranormal stuff just going to be an excuse for a hetero-romance?

The tattooed guy  stumbles past the bottles of booze indicating that he's a drunand puts on his clerical collar.  This is the third preacher in three minutes: Jesse, played by Dominic Cooper.  Could he be the titular Preacher?

He walks through the wilderness outside of  All Saints Congregational Church.  The sign reads "Open your ass and holes to Jesus."  He changes it to "hearts and souls," so apparently it wasn't intentional.  Darn, I thought he was being rackish. 

By the way, this is TEXAS.  

Scene 2: The horrible, dusty, redneck-ridden town of Annville.  Preacher Jesse  is preaching a sermon on Tom Landry -- a sports person of some sort?  Except he's distracted, he can't read his notes, and the congregation is bored.  1000 to 1 he's mourning a dead wife.

Sermon ends, time for a barbecue in the endless desert.  With beer?  What kind of Christians are these?  A little boy, who may be the kid from The Mick, grabs one and heads past the shootin' range to bring it to Jesse.  He complains that his dad, Donnie (Derek Wilson), is abusive, and asks Jesse to "hurt him."  So this Preacher has magical powers?

No, he just has a violent past, but he doesn't crack heads anymore.  How about counseling?

Scene 3:  An Indian is fighting a guy in a prairie dog suit about who should be the new mascot.

Mayor Miles (Ricky Mabe) gets punched by a girl, so everyone makes fun of him for being a sissy. 

The Redneck Sheriff complains to the drunken Preacher Jesse that the Japanese let a guy marry his own pillow, so civilization has ended.  Hey, that's a homophobic allusion to gay marriage!   Jesse complains about the abusive Donnie, but the Sheriff refuses to investigate.

God's penis and a guy who can do oral and anal at the same time after the break

Aug 25, 2024

Alberto Ferreira: Not the gay guy in "The Other Side" or "Bad Education" but at least he has a big dick


Link to the big dick

Do you want a profile of Alberto Ferreiro, star of the gay classic Bad Education, 2003?

How about now?

The guy is very difficult to research: no Instagram, no Facebook, no Twitter, a Wikipedia page in Spanish that only goes to 2006. 

Alberto Ferreiro, a professor at Seattle Pacific University, has just died and dominates Google searches with memorials.

Getty Images promises 31 pictures of Alberto, but delivers two.  The others are of a semi-naked woman gyrating.

So we'll have to make do with the IMDB.  

Alberto was born in Madrid in 1983, and began his acting career in 2000 with El Otro Barrio, "The Other Neighborhood" or "The Other Side," about the bond between a delinquent boy and a lawyer. Alberto stars in a boy-meets-girl subplot.

The frontal nudity comes from Nito, 2003, a 17-minute short about a bullied kid with learning disabilities.  He figures that the best way to fight back is to have sex with a lady.

Mala Educacion, Bad Education,
 2004, has a filmmaker interviewing a trans woman, who tells the story of two boys, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Fele Martinez, falling in love in a Catholic school in the 1960s.  Torment, torture, angst, despair, and tragedy follow, as was common in gay relationships in movies in those days.  You gotta punish those gays.

Alberto shows his butt while sexing a lady.  I swear, until this moment, I thought he played the boy who fell in love with Gabriel Garcia Bernal.

Segundo asalto, 2005, released in the U.S. as The Good Boy, features the relationship between a failed boxer and a bank robber.  Alberto has a minor role Dienteputo.

Recurring or starring TV roles followed: Un lugar en el mundo, "A place in the world"

Mis adorables vecinos, "My lovely neighbors"

More after the break

Justin Morrit, the Guy Who Shared Rob Lowe

Have you seen the famous Rob Lowe sex tape?  It depicts then-Brat Pack star Rob Lowe and a friend having sex with two women in a hotel room in Atlanta in 1988, on the night before the Democratic National Convention.

Link to Rob Lowe nude photos  

Only one of the women appears on the tape, plus Rob Lowe and his friend.

I didn't know that heterosexuals had the West Hollywood custom of "sharing."

They don't do anything specifically with each other, but one assumes that they did off-cameras.

Unfortunately, the tape doesn't show much of the second guy other than a muscular silhouette.  This is a better picture.

Not a bad boyfriend candidate.  I can see why Rob invited him to Atlanta.

His name is Justin Moritt.  He doesn't have any credits on IMDB before 1988, so I don't know how he and Rob met.  Since then he's worked as a production assistant, then a production manager, and finally a producer, of films like Ghost (1990), Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), and Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995).

 He was married to actress Krista Allen from 1996 to 1999.

They have a son, actor/model born in 1997, who starred in the reality series Growing Up Supermodel

According to his Facebook page, Justin likes Tim Allen, Radiohead, bodybuilder Casa Wilson, and the Marani Hair Salon in L.A.

More after the break
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