Mar 3, 2025

"Cold Wallet": When a crypto-investment goes wrong, gay-subtext buddies invade a Hegelian mansion. With Keefe's backside and the Groundskeeper's d*ck

Link to the n ude dudes

Tony Cavalero has been promoting his new movie, Cold Wallet (2024), which just became available to stream: three friends invade the mansion of a crypto millionaire.  I don't know what crypto is: some sort of fake money that can be used to buy real money?  

But both Tony (left) and costar Raul Castillo (below) have played gay characters, so maybe they are boyfriends.  And maybe we see some of Tony's physique.  

It's worth forking over the $7.00 for a rental.

Scene 1: Christmastime. Don and Billy (Tony, Raul Castillo) sing "Jingle Bell Rock" at karaoke night.  Then Billy tells his bar buds -- all men.  Is this a gay bar? -- how they can use cryptocurrency to get rich: "I've been reading Reddit and watching podcasts, and it's transforming lives!"  He and Don buy a billion shares of crypto from Tulip and hug.

Cut to Christmas morning, with Billy dressed as Santa Claus bringing a present to his daughter.  Heterosexual identity established at Minute 2. Thanks to crypto, he'll soon be able to buy a house, so she can come for weekend visits.  

His ex-wife and her husband Justin are upset: his visitation isn't until next week. Hubbie threatens to call the police.  He can't say hello on Christmas?  

"And where do you get off, buying her a $2000 playstation, when you don't pay the mortgage on your house?"  "I don't live here."  Don't argue in front of the kid -- you'll traumatize her.

He checks his Tulip to demonstrate how rich he's getting.  Wait -- the numbers are going down... negative $42,000?  Help!

There's no one named Justin in the cast list, but there's an Evan, played by Logan Slater (n*de photo below).

Scene 2:
 Billy walking in desolation through an industrial neighborhood in the dark, crying.  Wait -- where has he been all day?  

He eats ramen in his horrible apartment, then checks online: Tulip is in trouble; millions of customers have frozen assets.  The CEO died in Kenya, and he was the only one who could unlock the exchange (so people could get their cryptocurrency).  

So no more house in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, no more idyllic weekend visits with his daughter.  And the comments section reveal many others who lost everything: "I'm a mom of three boys.  My husband died six months ago.  Tulip was supposed to help us..."

Reddit friend Eva Zero reveals that the CEO is alive -- he got a fake death certificate. He swindled them out of their money, and is now in hiding. She wants Billy to help her "take the f*cker down."

Scene 3:  The gym.  Billy wrestling with Don, his bud from Scene 1, who is all excited because Mr. Bautista, the owner, is letting him buy the place.  Billy accidentally punches him in the nose, but he doesn't care because "chicks dig scars."  Heterosexual identity established at Minute 11.  They still have a gay-subtext buddy bond going on.

Billy breaks the news that crypto is dead, and they owe $67,000 in real money.  Uh-oh, Don took out a loan to buy the gym.  Plus Mr. Bautista was in trouble; the bank was about to foreclose.  Now he and Mr. Bautista are both ruined. 

Scene 4:
 They meet Reddit friend Eva Zero in a deserted AMC theater parking lot.

She has discovered that CEO Charles Hegel lives alone in an isolated mansion nearby.  She wants them to break in, force him to hand over the cold wallets (where you store crypto off the internet), and get everyone's money back.

He is named after Georg Hegel, the 18th century German philosopher whose Phenomenology of Spirit influenced Marx and Nietzche.  I  consulted the Wikipedia and Brittanica Online articles on Hegel, but couldn't see the connection.

Cut to the trio buying guns at the ShopMart, then driving through the woods to Hegel's house, a gigantic Tudor.  Billy knocks on the door, pretending to be delivering for DoorDash. The groundskeeper says that there's no one home, he has the wrong house, so get out!

Left: I think the groundskeeper is played by Allyn Burrows, who posed n*de in his younger days

More after the break

Mar 2, 2025

Knox Gibson: Australian swimmer, model, "Hunger Games" baddie, disability advocate. With some n*de costars and random twinks


Link to the n*de dudes

As of this writing Knox Gibson. aka Captain Knoxie,  is 17 years old,  so I won't be searching for n*de photos. But he's not shy about showing off his physique.

And I have some n*de photos of his co-stars and some random Australian twinks (on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends).

Knox grew up in Orange, NSW, a small town about 250 km (150 miles) from Sydney.  His first love is swimming: he was selected for the Australian Age National Championships four times, and placed for the breast stroke  (2021, 2024) and the individual medley (2023). 

He also swims for his high school, St. Stanislaus College in Bathhurst. In 2024, he represented NSW in the all-Australia School Sport Games, and won the silver medal in the breast stroke.

Knox's second love is modeling, both fashion and runway. 

In  2020, he wore Tommy Hilfinger for New York's Fashion Week.  

In 2023, the Bonds company did a "As Worn By Us" campaign, showing Australians of every age wearing their clothes.  Knox appeared as  "Age 16."

More after the break

Gemstones Season 2 Finale: The Godfather, Butch and Sundance, random n*de dudes, and "My love for you will never die."


Link to the NSFW version

Previous: Episode 2.9, Continued: A perfect Christian, the Lion King, naked twinks, and lovers in old photographs

The series finales on The Righteous Gemstones are meant to tie up any remaining loose ends and say goodbye to the characters, so we should expect little or no plot development, just a lot of hugging: everyone who has had lost, frayed, or troubled relationships during the season, lovers, friends, parents and children, siblings, will be reconciled.

Hold on tight to the one you love the most:  A blackened stage. Suddenly a spotlight on Jesse.  He begins the country-western song "Some Broken Hearts Never Mend," by Don Williams.  Then Kelvin, lying on a platform, raising a finger to Heaven.  Then Judy and the choir, as she walks up stage.  Then all three siblings together. 

 Coffee black, cigarettes. Start the day like all the rest. 

First thing every moning that I do, is start missing you.

Some broken hearts never mend.  Some memories never end.  

Some tears will never dry.  My love for you will never die. 

Except this song is not about lost love, it's about mended hearts.  You're supposed to look at or point to a loved one. Kelvin starts out by pointing at audience stage left, obviously at Keefe, who points to himself and then back. My love for you will never die,

BJ waves, presumably at Judy.  Cut to Amber and the kids; then Baby Billy, Tiffany, and the baby; he looks back at Harmon, his no-longer estranged son; and finally Eli looks out at the audience. 

In the middle of love's embrace
: Flashback to the Alaska Commercial Company, a grocery store chain with 33 locations in Alaska, mostly in rural areas. The Lissons, in hiding after their murders and attempts, are buying -- coffee to go?  Martin has them under surveillance.

Back in church, Eli looks at the band as the siblings sing the second verse together.  Then Jesse and Kelvin, looking up to heaven.

 Rendezvous in the night.

In the middle of love's embrace, I see your face

Wait -- they see God while their partners Amber and Keefe are going downtown?  Makes sense.

Cut to the Lissons in their cabin, watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, where the gay-subtext bank robbers, played by Robert Redford, top photo, and Paul Newman, left, are trapped, with no escape, so they go out shooting. 

 Some broken hearts never mend.   Some memories never end.

Some tears will never dry.  My love for you will never die.

The Cycle Ninjas:  Cycle Ninjas on glittering metallic snowmobiles zoom through the woods.  

Lyle looks out the window and yells "Get the guns!"

Back at the church, the siblings point at each other. Eli smiles. 

The First Chorus: The congregation rises to sing the chorus.

We see Chad and his wife, who have been having marital problems since Season 1; Martin and his often seen, never-named wife; Judy and BJ;  Junior and Tan Man, Baby Billy and Tiffany, Amber and the kids.  Then the siblings again.  Wait, I thought the Tan Man was just Junior's assistant.  Is there a gay relationship going on back in Memphis? 

In the flashback, the Lissons get out their guns and tell each other that God believes in them: "God will see us through, for we are the Chosen."  Where on Earth did Lyle get that idea?  

More broken hearts after the break

"The Family Law": Chinese-Australian Boy Struggles to Come Out


The Family Law, on Hulu, is a sitcom about a Chinese-Australian family in Queensland: wildly inappropriate Mom, harried Dad (Anthony Brandon Wong), jock older brother (George Zhou, left), two sisters, and focus character, "life is unfair" Ben (Trystan Go).   Sort of like Malcolm in the Middle or The Goldbergs, except that at some point Ben comes out.  

Looking through the episode synopses, I don't see any indication of romantic interest for Ben, until Season 3 Episode 1:  When their parents are gone, Melissa and Ben "scheme to get into a Year 12 (high school senior) party, where there will be booze and -- more importantly for Melissa -- boys."  Obviously Ben is not out yet.

Episode 3: "Ben struggles with a crippling addiction to watching Klaus pump iron across the street, and is riddled with anxiety over what it means."

Episode 5: "Ben battles with his feelings toward Klaus."

Season and Series Finale: "Aunt Maisy's son has come out as gay and it's the end of the world." So they wait until the very last moment for Ben to come out!  Typical!  I'll watch Episode 3 instead.  Maybe there will be beefcake.

Scene 1
: Ben peers through his telescope to watch across-the-street neighbor Klaus (Takaya Honda, left) working out.  Shirtless, extremely muscular!  In voice over, he talks about how dangerous an addiction is.  Sometimes you have to remove yourself.  He backs away.  

Scene 2: Dinner.  Sister Candy and her boyfriend Wayne (Sam Cotton, below) have an announcement.  Everyone thinks that they are engaged, but no, they're taking the family camping.  Wayne explains: "No distractions, no temptations."  Everyone hates the idea, except Ben,  who thinks this might get his mind off Klaus's muscles.

Scene 3:
Getting ready for school.  Everyone except Ben is complaining about the camping trip: "Being raped and killed by dingos."  

In the B plot, divorced Mom had a date with Pete (Jeremy Lindsay Taylor), but -- vulgarity alert -- his pants.This ain't the Goldbergs!   He doesn't want a second date: "It's not the right time."  Mom is crushed.

Scene 4:  Unpacking groceries.  Mom is still crushed.  Suddenly Klaus from across the street drops by: he accidentally picked up Ben's shorts after gym class.  The embarrassed Ben rushes into his room; Klaus follows, and finds the telescope Ben uses to spy on him: "Hey, I can see right into my bedroom!" Then he lies down on Ben's bed.  Ok, now you're deliberately teasing him.  

Scene 5: The next day at school, Ben complains to his friend: "He was in my bed, touching my junk (which means something different in Australia), overstepping his bounds!"  Klaus appears: he heard that they were going camping, so he's going to lend Ben his state-of-the-art sleeping bag: "But wash it first.  It still smells like me."  Ulp!

Scene 6: Packing up the car.  It's way overcrowded.  Off to the outback!

More after the break

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