Pretty Hard Cases just dropped on Amazon Prime. I could use a, it's two women solving crimes. But maybe they will be dating some hunky men.
Scene 1: Detective Sam (a woman), Guns and Gangs Division, sits in her car, talking about being single and over 40, and therefore planning to make a change: cut her hair. She discusses it in detail, but her police partner, Detective Barry (Dean McDermott) says that he prefers women with long hair. Miss Piggy, for example. Heterosexual identity established at Minute 1.
They have eyes on Drug Dealer Rafi (Evan Marsh, top photo and left), but the moment his runner approaches, a homeless lady starts begging for money. Suddenly she grabs his stash and runs!
Both Detective Sam and Dealer Rafi give chase. through underpasses decorated with street art and hunky skateboarders.
Detective Sam finally catches the homeless lady, retrieves the stash, pulls a gun, and tries to arrest Dealer Rafi. Whoops, the drug runner Davis Dubman (Xavier Lopez) has a gun of his own!
Dealer Rafi runs off, and the homeless lady pulls a gun to arrest everyone remaining. She's Detective Kelly Duff, Drug Squad! These cops don't coordinate well.
The detectives argue over who gets to make the arrest and confiscate the drugs.
Scene 2: Greater Toronto Police Department.
Congrats -- usually Canadian series don't want to admit it. The detectives argue over the proper interrogation of Drug Runner Davis. Hey, Xavier Lopez is trans and bisexual! Congrats on LGBTQ representation, although I'll bet his character is cisgender straight.
Intel: Dealer Rafi is the youngest of the three Bowen Brothers who handle most of the drugs running through Stockwood (not a real place). The others, Randy and Steph, are the major players.
The detectives argue about whether they should be called piranhas or smelt, then exit to argue about playing by the book or use the ethical gray areas to catch bad guys. Standard buddy cop division.
Gun Detective Sam wants to hold out for the bigger fish, but Drug Detective Kelly orders Nazeer (Al Mukadam, who played a gay character on
Spun Out) to go arrest small-fish Rafi. This angers Detective Sam, who complains to the big boss. Could she at least tag along when they arrest Dealer Rafi?
"Ok, fine, but try not to be annoying."
Scene 3: Kelly and Nazeer, in their squad car, wait for the SWAT team so they can make the arrest and complain about Sam's polyester pants, when she pops up and immediately becomes annoying. Is it commonplace in Canada to break down the door to arrest someone? What about knocking to see if they'll answer peacefully?
More after the break
They rush through the house and find a young boy (Isaiah Rockcliffe) watching cartoons with a friend -- ulp, he has a gun! The fifteen SWAT team officers order him to drop it, but Rafi, his sister's boyfriend, left him in charge. He prepares to shoot! Drug Detective Kelley bursts through and talks him down.
Rafi is identified as heterosexual at Minute 13
Born in 2008, Isaiah Rockcliffe is of Guyanese, Portugese, and Jamaican ancestry. He has 14 acting credits on the IMDB, plus modeling and stunting. All that, and he's only 16?
Scene 4: While the kid sits in the back of a squad car and cops mill about, his sister arrives, then claims that she was just driving by and zooms off.
The detectives check out the garage and find five kilos of cocaine. So much for being a little fish! And some guns -- so the investigation goes to Sam's Guns and Gangs division.
Cut to Detective Sam asking Dad (Ronnie Rowe) why he left his son with a drug dealer who gav ehim a gun? He had no idea -- he thought his daughter Jackie (Rafi's girlfriend) was taking care of him. He gets his son every second weekend, but he had an emergency call and had to leave. He even doesn't know who Rafi is.
The boy's mother bursts in with the same question: "Why'd you let my son pull a gun on cops?" The detectives interrogat her: yes, she knows Rafi, but was not aware that he is a drug dealer.
Drug Detective Kelly, watching on the closed circuit, keeps yelling that Gun Detective Sam is doing it wrong.
Mom works for Sullivan Logistics, a trucking company. Detective Kelly, suspicious, investigates.
Scene 5: Night. Detective Sam drives her ridiculous tiny car to her suburban home, and finds her teenage son Elliot (Percy Hynes White) with a houseful of friends: three girls, two in their underwear, and two guys, one of whom is about to start a fire by trying to cook. Mom yells at him for having friends over without her permission, and kicks them all out. He leaves, too, to spend the night at Dad's.
Actor Percy Hynes White got in trouble for making racist and homophobic statements on his Instagram. He later explained that he was "acting in character," and wished everyone a Happy Pride.
Alone, Detective Sam calls a guy from a dating app that she's been texting. She agrees to let him come over tonight, but "if you do anything weird, I'm gonna do a straight-arm takedown." Whoops, he asks her to do something weird with her baton, so the hookup is off.
Scene 6: Meanwhile, Drug Detective Kelly is going through Daughter Jackie's social media, and finds an address. Then she gets a phone call from Keegan. He wants to come over, but she blows him off. Both these ladies are unlucky in love. Maybe they should date each other.
Instead, Kelly "creeps" Sam's address from the police database, goes to her house and asks for a drink. I guess they are taking my advice. They discuss the gray area of police ethics.
Kelly mentions how difficult it was for her to rise up in the force. Sam: "I understand my privilege, and I am an ally." Ok, Kelly is black, but I've never heard someone use the term "ally" for race. She must be a lesbian, too. They'll meet tomorrow at 8:30 to find Sister Jackie.
Scene 7: The detectives arrive at a self-storage place. Kelly explains that she decoded the social media posts to determine that Jackie is picking up drugs for Rafi from his locker number 2236. Wouldn't she have explained that on the way? Jackie arrives; they grab her and bring her in for questioning.
She claims she doesn't about Rafi being a drug dealer, or giving her brother a gun. So you thought you were picking up flour?
"By the way, that cocaine will get you five years in prison, unless you'd like to cut a deal and help us find Rafi." She agrees, and texts Rafi to meet her in the parking lot behind the Giant Tiger at 7:00 pm.
On the way, Detective Sam's son Elliot calls: he got jumped. He's in the principal's office. She has to come. Kelly objects, but Sam points out that it's only 4:00 pm; they don't have to be at the Giant Tiger until 6:00.
Scene 8: At school, they find Elliot with a bloody nose. The Principal says he's getting a two-day suspension. Turns out that he wasn't jumped after all: the other guy paid him $300 for a pair of sneakers, but he didn't deliver, so they got into a fight. Elliot: "He deserved it. I was levelling." Mom gives him $20 to buy dinner and sends him home. I don't see how this is relevant.
Time for the meeting: Detective Sam tells Jackie to "act like you're cheesed" and stomp away. After she's gone, they'll make the arrest.
Rafi arrives and asks for the cocaine she picked up. She yells at him for giving her brother a gun. He scoffs; she follows him to his car, while he yells "We're done! We're through!" You were supposed to get out of there, girl.
Uh-oh,her Dad gets out of the car and tells Jackie that Rafi and the brothers all work for him! He's the one who told the detectives that he didn't even know Rafi.
Wait -- Jackie didn't know that he was in charge of the drug trafficking organization, or he wouldn't have announced it. He didn't want her to know, so why did he let Rafi have her do a drug pickup?
The police can't wait for Jackie to leave; they rush in to arrest Dad and Rafi -- and Jackie, too, so the guys won't know that she's working with them
Scene 9: Jackie and the cops arrives at her mother's house to ask if Mom knew about her ex-husband being the head of a drug trafficking organization. Nope. The detectives leave, arguing about Elliot and Taco Wednesday.
After they leave, Mom yells at Jackie for getting Dad arrested. She was getting a cut of his drug operation! And now Mom has to take Dad's place! Ok, that's a plot twist. But if Jackie already knew that Dad was in charge, why did he announce it?
Cut to Detective Kelly meeting Keegan (Tony Nappo) at the outdoor taco place (he's the one who wanted to come over, but she blew him off). They discuss the case. Kelly managed to get two drug guys in a team effort -- with Detective Sam.
Keegan laughs. "That geek? I'd rather chew glass than work a case with that ruler stick." Hey, I expected her to say something like "Sam isn't so bad," indicating a crush coming up, but she changes the subject. The end.
Beefcake: None. I couldn't find any n*de photos anywhere.
Heterosexism: The "pretty" in the title refers to the ladies. Heterosexual male gaze.
Gay Characters: I thought Detective Kelly was a lesbian, but according to LezWatch, the only lesbian character in the series is the Big Boss. Apparently the ally stuff and the butch behavior is a tease.
Plot Holes: Lots.
My Grade: D
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