Mar 6, 2025

Robert Ri'chard: Cousin Skeeter's straight man plays adult performers, scoundrels, bad boys, and boyfriends, with some backsides and bods


Link to the n*de dudes

I remember a few of the Nickelodeon shows from the late 1990s and early 2000s: Invader Zim, Fairly OddparentsDoug, Rugrats, Rocko's Modern Life.  But most, like Cousin Skeeter (1998-2002). don't ring a bell.

As far as I can tell, it was a standard id/superego pairing, with early-teen Bobby (Robert Ri'chard) trying to complete his extra-credit assignments, while Cousin Skeeter wants to fill the principal's car with Cheetos.  Both squealed "Girls! Girls! Girls" every five seconds, as was required in the era. 

The main differences from other teen coms:

1. It had a primarily black cast. 

2. Cousin Skeeter was a puppet.  Haters like to point out that this fact was never mentioned, but when is it ever mentioned?  None of the humans on Sesame Street ever identify Bert and Ernie as Muppets, nor did Shari Lewis ever let on that she was providing the voice for Lamb Chop.  

Teen stars usually face a slump after their star vehicle ends, but Robert Ri'chard moved directly into prime time with One on One (2001-2006), starring Flex Anderson as a sportscaster raising his teenage daughter.   Robert played her on-off boyfriend, who was allergic to shirts.


Jonathan Chase, who showed his backside in Another Gay Movie, played one of her college roommates, a "player" who gets lots of girls.  

Flex? ?

Then on to Meet the Browns (2009-2011), about a single father running a nursing home, who adopts some troubled foster kids.  I thought this was a sitcom, but according to Wikipedia:

"Eddie Walker, who was close to abusing Joaquin, became the first on-screen character to die. He suffered stab wounds, and the surgery done to try to save his life was performed by Will himself. Also, in season 4, Brianna's friend Antonio is killed in a car crash."  

Ok...well, Robert plays a college student who lives next door, and doesn't own a shirt.

By this point, Robert is in his mid-20s, and buffed.

And posting n*de selfies.

Dude has so many veins, it looks like an alien script.

More after the break.  

He continued with projects that allowed him to show his stuff: episodes of King Bachelor's Pad, Pastor Shirley, The Vampire Diaries, and Empire.

A college student who moonlights as an adult performer (for ladies only) in Chocolate City (2015).  I checked -- no bulges.

The host of a Jackass-style stunt program on IZombie (2017).  He pranks his prop master by pretending to be sleeping with his wife.  Dude gets even when it's time for the jackass to ride a motorcycle through fire. 

Whenever he could, Robert showed his stuff on BET:

Bad boy Max Barringer in 24 episodes of the soap The Rich and the Ruthless (2017-21)

An adult performer in Harlem (2021).  This time he shows a bulge, and there are some queer characters.

A "womanizing" scoundrel targeted by a killer in Queen of Hearts (2023)

A  "womanizing" scoundrel in seven episodes of the soap Haus of Vicious (2024)

For a change of pace, The Fobbits (2024), the MFA thesis film of James Williams III, features male soldiers on a humanitarian mission in Iraq.  Robert plays "Chief."  Landon Lyu (left) is involved in a gay relationship in the "don't ask, don't tell" era.  

There may have been gay characters in some of Robert's other projects, but it's hard to tell, with all of that intense hetero-horniness everywhere.

I'm going to guess that Robert is heterosexual in real life, too.  About  90% of his Instagram photos have a woman hanging on his back.  This is one of the few where he's with a man, Rick Gonzalez, "the greatest of our generation."  I don't know who that is.

The women hanging on Robert's back are almost always sticking their tongues out.  Why?  Is this, like, one of his fetishes?  Maybe they're saying "I get him and you don't, so die of envy, byotches!"

Cousin Skeeter would approve.

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